Chapter 9

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"Anna!" Elsa called as she stood at the gates of the castle, and Anna ran out from inside, squealing as she came towards her sister, and the two collided into a tight hug. Jack was laughing, amused at how bubbly Anna had remained, and Elsa gave him a look. "Anna, this is Jack, Jack Frost." Elsa pointed at him, and Anna frowned, "The Winter spirit? He's real?" 

Elsa was about to say something when Anna burst out laughing, "Oh c'mon Els, you're still so serious!" Turning to Jack, she stuck out her hand, "Hi, I'm Anna, and Elsa's sister." Then, she bent close to his ear, "If you're on good terms, could you help me give her some fun? She's always so boooooring and serious, especially when she was Queen."

"Anna!" Elsa looked rather embarrassed, and Jack laughed, "Well, Snowflake, I didn't think you were like that." "Hold up, why are you here?" Anna asked, and Jack said, "Oh, Elsa said she'd show me her family, that's why." "Oh, hi! I'm Olaf, and I love warm hugs!" Olaf suddenly appeared by Anna's side, and Jack's eyes widened. 

"Oh my goodness, Elsa, you told me you made a snowman, you didn't tell me he was alive!" Jack gawked, and Elsa laughed, "Olaf, this is Jack, the Winter spirit and the Guardian of Fun." "Woah, what now?" Kristoff came out from behind Olaf with Sven, and Jack waved to all of them, "Yes, I'm Jack."

"But Elsa, how did you know about Jack?" Anna squinted at her sister, and Elsa laughed, "Okay, okay, that's a lot of questions. How about we go in first?" There was a pause as Anna made a serious face, as if trying to figure if Elsa was trying to trick her into something again. Finally not finding anything suspicious, Anna nodded, and they all walked into the castle.


"Hold up! You're telling me, you're now an immortal, and you've fallen in love with an immortal who has been watching over you since young and is dead?" Anna said at top speed across the table, and Elsa gave her a straight face, "Yes, Anna." "Elsa, are you dead too?" Olaf gasped, and Elsa resisted an eye roll, "No, Olaf, I'm still perfectly alive."

"And you, Jack, you're saying you want to find a way to propose to Elsa properly?" Kristoff was standing aside with Jack, who nodded, "Well, yes." "Easy! She loves jasmine and white roses, doesn't she?" Kristoff began planning out the entire thing, and Jack smiled. Yep, this could definitely work out……

"So, there's a crazy gay guy after you Guardians too?" Anna was almost shouting now, and Elsa laughed, "Anna! He's not gay! But maybe a little crazy." "What guy that wears a dress isn't gay?" Anna wondered aloud, and that made Elsa laugh even harder. Just then, Kristoff appeared, and he whispered something in Anna's ear.

"Whaaat? Okay!" Anna acted weirdly, first shouting then next whispering, and Elsa frowned. "Elsa, family dinner tonight, then Charades?" Anna asked, and not thinking too much about it, Elsa agreed.


"Oooh! Uhm, what was it again? Marshmallow! It's Marshmallow!" Kristoff yelled, and Olaf nodded, before rearranging into something else. "Those things that came when Elsa was sick! What are they called? Oh yes! Snowgies!" Kristoff confirmed with Sven, and Olaf proceeded to the next one.

Soon, Olaf was completed, and it was Elsa's turn. As promised, Jack blew a small snowflake onto Elsa's nose, and her eyes lit up with excitement as she read the slip of paper. If Olaf could rearrange, she could use her powers. Instantly, Elsa began to form ice figurines, and Anna jumped up to her feet, "Enchanted Forest!"

"Jack, your turn." Kristoff probed, and Sven secretly put in the special slip on the top. As Jack looked at it, he snuck a look at Kristoff, who gave him a thumbs-up. On the paper was "marriage proposal". Taking a deep breath, Jack summoned the bouquet of white rose with jasmine from outside, and it appeared in his hand.

In his other hand, Jack created a tiny ring, big enough to slip onto Elsa's slender fingers. Going down on one knee, Jack kept silent at first. "Jack?" Elsa gasped and Jack gave her a smirk. "Elsa, my little snowflake. I don't know what to say, but I love you, and I'll love you forever. Marry me?"

"Yes!" Elsa nodded, and Jack sprung up from the floor, hugging her tightly as their lips collided, her icy hands on his face. They held it there for the longest time in forever, and when they pulled apart, Olaf, Anna, Kristoff and Sven were all tearing up. "Did you know about this?" Elsa asked Anna, and Anna grinned, "We all did. Congrats Els, you're finally getting married!"

Laughing, Elsa pulled everyone in for a hug, and now, they were officially a family.


"This suit is stiff!" Jack complained, and Kristoff laughed, "I wore it for Anna for an hour, you can pull this off." "You betcha." Jack groaned, but he knew Kristoff was right. "But this is too warm, can I make an ice replica? Please?" Jack negotiated, and Kristoff nodded. Quickly waving his hand, Jack formed another suit.

It looked exactly the same, but everything was made from ice and snow instead. Smiling, Jack wore it on, and Kristoff nodded his approval, "That's good. Now let's get going, the wedding's about to begin." 

The wedding was a small one, with just some of the Northuldra elders and the rest of the Guardians. Of course, the trolls were there, to help with the vows and all, and very soon, they were through, and GrandPabbie read off, "You may now kiss the bride."

"Woohoo!" Anna cheered, and Jack grabbed Elsa, their lips pressing together quickly. Running onto the stage, Anna yelled into the microphone, "Now, let's start the partaaaaayyyyyyyyy!"


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