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Foreword: This is the republishing and kinda edited version of my previous story Finally Found You.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I love it. Thanks for reading and don't forget to check my other books.

I remember some images pretty clearly. If I’m in a really calm situation, with no sounds or noises to annoy me, just in the calmness of my room, I can even remember voices.


I was really bored, with nothing to do all day long but watch T.V.

I had a feeling that summer was going to be pretty boring. What can a 6-year-old do anyway?

I had a few friends, of course, but our interactions were only at school, except for Jason. We visited each other’s houses and we went to the park together sometimes. I really wanted to go to the park but mum was very busy, and dad was at work.

I decided to just watch some more T.V. as the only other option was to annoy my mother. She hated when I did that. I wasn't supposed to do that.

I fell asleep watching cartoons, because when I woke, it was night and I was tucked in. I went back to sleep after checking the clock which read 2am. This meant I slept for about 5 hours already, but I felt like I could sleep more.

And I did.

She took me to the park the next day.

I played around a lot and got dirt all over myself. I really liked the swings. They gave me a rush when they glided downwards. It was all fwooshy.

Mum was sitting on a bench with a friend she knew. They seemed to be enjoying their time too. It made me glad that mom was having fun too.

I was wandering off a little farther to head toward the slides, when I noticed a small figure sitting behind a tree.

I got closer apprehensively and tried to not make any sounds. As I slowly approached, I could hear sniffling. It looked like a boy and he was definitely crying.

“Are you okay?” I asked him. I still hadn’t seen his face but he had brown hair and it looked so soft and puffy and messy. It looked like his hair was a stuffed toy.

“Go away.” he cried, his head resting on his crossed arms which in turn were resting on his knees.

“Why are you crying?” I was now standing in front of him. He didn’t look up but I was sure he looked at my shoes.

“I said go away!” He cried louder. He reminded me of something familiar but I couldn’t put a finger on it.

I sat in front of him cross-legged and didn’t say or do anything else. For a few minutes he was still crying. A few more and the crying stopped, but he still held the same position.

I was drawing circles with my index fingers in the dirt when I felt his eyes looking at me. I looked up and indeed he was looking at me. His eyes were red and puffy, and his face was a little red too. His eyebrows were scrunched in a frown and I still couldn’t remember what he reminded me of.

“Why are you still here?” He said, his voice raspy from the crying but it was not cracking anymore like it did when he yelled.

“I wanted to make sure that you’re okay.”


“You were crying and it's wrong to leave you alone while you’re crying.”

"Why is it wrong?"

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