My Love For You

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my love for you grows with each passing day.

I have felt love before, but nothing as close as the love you give to me.

My love for you can hardly compare to what you give me in return.

I see a life with you and not one full of heart ache and trouble>

But a life full of love and happiness.

Something I haven't felt with another person besides my parents 

You have shown me what it means to love without truly seeing my life as it is 

I can never thank you for stepping into my life when you did 

For falling in love with a silly girl like me afraid of every possible out come that life could have thrown at me.

It gave me you.

A love that seemed so fragile in my hands like glass even is stronger in yours like steel 

You show that you're afraid of losing me. 

because you've been hurt before and you don't want to know that pain ever again and I won't let you 

You make my heart skip beats just by wrapping me in your embrace 

you say I'm the best thing to happen to you but in all honesty 

You are the best thing to happen to me.

I don't have to wait for Eros's arrow to find the one for me 

For one reason only because Hera has already found the one for me 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2019 ⏰

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