Chapter Twenty

247 11 17

Warnings: None

Word Count: 2209

Author's Note: I hope you enjoy this chapter! :)

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You would think that after knowing Y/N for almost eight years, I wouldn't be so nervous walking up to her front door. Yet here I was, standing in front of her door with shaky hands trying to work up the courage to actually knock. Getting out of the car hadn't been an issue, but this? My hands were staying buried deep in my pockets.

Then it hit me.

I turned away from the door and half-jogged down the walkway, headed straight for the gravel path on the side of her house. There had been times in the past when Y/N had mentioned liking the idea of someone throwing rocks at her window to get her attention, and what better opportunity was there to do that than our first official date? After collecting a small handful of rocks, I stood in the middle of the driveway and looked up at her bedroom window.

"Basketball skills, don't fail me now," I muttered under my breath.

The first rock hit the window dead-on. I did a little spin, pleased with myself for actually hitting the target that I had set out to hit, but it still hadn't grabbed Y/N's attention. After a quick glance around the street to make sure nobody was giving me weird looks, I threw a couple more rocks at her window.

Y/N finally came to the window, looking frustrated. In a panic, I chucked all the rocks in my hand back towards the pathway and dusted my palms off on my jeans. She slid the window open and leaned forward, resting her forearms on the windowsill.

"Ty!" she called. "What in the world do you think you're doing?"

I looked up at her, using one hand to keep the sun out of my eyes. "I thought it would be romantic!"

"Yeah, until you scratch up my window and my dad has to replace it," she laughed.


"It's ok! I'll be down in just a moment."

I didn't wait for Y/N to shut the window before I wandered back over to the front door. My face felt a little hot from our encounter, but I hoped the blush would fade before she opened the door to greet me. If not, well, maybe she would think it was cute.

"Hi," Y/N smiled as she opened the door.


"Ready to go?"

"I am if you are."


Y/N closed the front door and held out a hand to me. I laced my fingers with hers and followed her down the path to the car, already feeling my heart pound in my chest.

"Y/N, wait," I said.

"What?" she asked, stopping in her tracks to turn to me.

I used our linked hands to pull her closer to me and press a quick kiss to her lips.

"It's nice to see you again."

"You too," she smiled.

"Ok, now let's get out of here."

*     *     *

"I really hope you like what I have planned," I said, nervously tapping my thumbs against the steering wheel.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I guess, well, it's not really like a typical date. I thought it might be boring to go get dinner or whatever since we've already done that together so many times and I really want our first date to be memorable."

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