New school

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Erik's POV
My new high school was strange. There were so many humans. But I didn't know if there was someone like me here. Hell I didn't know if there was anyone like me anywhere. I can control and move metal.
I sat in my home room. I look around the room to observe the other students. They looked normal teenagers. Then suddenly I couldn't breathe. One of the students, a slightly younger looking boy with the most beautiful bright blue eyes. You could drown in them. He had dark brown hair.
The kid looked like he was in pain though, I noticed a bruise on his collarbone, his shirt had moved a bit. He had two fingers pressed agains his left temple. He closed his eyes, like it relieved the pain.
I look away.
The teacher walked in and started role call.
"Erik Lehnsherr," the teacher called out.
"Here" I answer.
She smiled at me.
"Class welcome our new student Erik"
Everyone turned to me, and mumbled hellos.
I too said hello before going to study the board. Apparently my first period was also my home room, so I didn't need to move. Neither did the brunette boy.
Class was boring. By second period i made a new friend, Emma Frost. She was a beautiful blonde girl dressed in all white. She was going on about the gossip of the school. Who I should meet, something something Xaviers, and who I shouldn't go near, Shaw and Marko.
"Shaw is the worst, Erik. He has no fashion sense and he's a dick"
I laughed. She was an enjoyable person to be around, very charismatic.
Though I found it strange Emma didn't have another friend, she knew everyone.
Fifth period. Emma and I sat in the back of the room. Our teacher rambling on about some math thing. When I noticed the dark haired pretty boy. He still looked like he was in pain. Weird. Maybe he got in a fight? Emma noticed my staring and smirked.
"Oh he's pretty isn't he? Careful though Moira may murder you. She's had her eyes set on him for years, Sugar"
"He's pretty but who am I to stand in the way of their love?"
She laughed silently.
"Oh Sugar they are not dating. She just wants to jump his bones,"
That cheered me up enormously. I didn't know the guy but he was hot.
Emma laughed, and I saw the pretty boy blush, he was looking at the board, but he was blushing.
I definitely am intrigued with this new school.

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