1. Giant! (Claude and Sebastian)

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Requested by -xxColorless_Gothxx- 

It has long been past midnight. The young master has been in bed for hours. Sebastian made sure, personally, he was in bed by precisely 9:00 because he was in a meeting. He changed the young master's regular black suit with bow tie ensemble into his white sheet button up of clothing for comfort. He blew out the candlelight and gently closed the door. Sebastian was already making preparation for the next day: getting out the master's blue nice suit, black shoes, doing preparations around the house, and making sure all candlelight was out unless needed.
Mey-Rin was still up with Sebastian, but even he could tell the young redheaded women needed sleep. She was allowing her head to fall to her body then jerking it back up adjusting her circular glasses and readjusting her clothing every few minutes.

" Mey-Rin. Why don't you go and get some sleep for tonight? I will finish up the preparations for tonight, we can finish up last-minute jobs in the morning."

" Oh no, Sebastian. I can not allow you to do so much on your own. I can help to the best of my ability."

Sebastian looked over at the exhausted maid he could tell she was going to refuse to please him. He placed a hand on her shoulder causing Mey-Rin's cheeks to turn red and to start holding her breath.

" You need to sleep. What type of butler would I be if I could not handle a few meeting preparations for the young master? Just take these dishes from the young masters desert into the kitchen and head to bed."

Mey-Rin shook her head and gladly took the dishes from Sebastian. On her way out she adjusted her glasses once more and ran into the bookshelf while leaving causing her to drop and break every dish on the tray.

" Oh...I'm sorry Sebastian! I'll...ill"

Sebastian raised a gloved hand up suddenly to pause her stuttering. " Just go. I have this." he sighs out.

Mey-Rin leaves suddenly leaving the Butler with the mess she caused. Sebastian did not complain or say a word. He went right to cleaning up the glass mess so the guests for tomorrow did not have to witness the atrocity.

Sebastian collected a small dustpan and hand-sized broom. He went straight to work, but while he was cleaning he felt a presence in the room. He couldn't quite pinpoint the person's whereabouts but knew they were in the same room. Sebastian acted like he didn't notice but spoke out loud.

" I know you are there. You might as well show yourself. You will not harm a single hair on my master's head if that is the plan." He dumped the glass into a wastebasket and placed the cleaning supplies away.

While the opponent believed he was distracted, a golden utensil came flying right at him. Sebastian grabbed the knife out of the air before it even got close to him and inspected it. " Do you not have your own master Claude? Must you insist on taking my prize that I have worked so hard on?"

A figure walked out of the shadows with a butler outfit on very similar to his except no tail coat. He had shorter hair with piercing golden eyes with glasses to wrap up the ensemble.

" Does your master know your out so late Claude? A butler must follow their masters every command, how will you if you are not present?" Sebastian gave an uncanny smile like he knew he was not in danger to mock the demon.

Claude threw another knife that was caught abruptly in the demons grasp. He looked down and notices his glove was cut. " Great, now I must replace these."

Claude was an emotionless creature, but he was unusually quiet. Like he wanted all this to play out. Sebastian started to feel light-headed and passed out.

The butler looked around at his surroundings. He even had to admit the situation was weird. He was a demon. There should be no man-made object that affects him like this. He may have a human body, but that was no excuse for passing out in the middle of protecting his young master. He stood up brushing off his uniform and allowed his eyes to adjust. Sebastian looked around and noticed he was on the desk. Everything was no longer his size. " Well, this is a predicament." He simply states and wanders over to the desk side. He prepared his body to jump down to the floor, but a wine glass was placed over his body.

The demon did not act to concerned, just a bit annoyed. He looked around and finally saw the cause of this whole predicament. Claude.

Claude adjusted his gloves and slicked back his hair. " The only reason I am here without my master is that I know I can take a soul tonight without you interfering.

Sebastian attempts to push the wine glass over. He accomplished to move it across the desk, but then Claude placed a small wooden box on top that holds jewelry or small trinkets. It wasn't weighted enough to breach the glass, but enough to contain the small demon.

Sebastian took out his silver instruments and started to hit and throw them at the glass trying to find the perfect weak spot.

Claude stopped his original plan and watched with what we can assume amusement. " You never give up do you?" He got that gleam in his eye that cats get when they are looking at their prey and gave a settle smile. " I'll give you one chance." The colossal demon moved the brown box and removed the wine glass.

As soon as he did this Sebastian jumped at him throwing his silver knives. They hit Claude, and he just looked disappointed, he grabbed Sebastian in the air. He held him in a fist and applied pressure. His eyes turned purple instead of their shiny golden ones as he increased the pressure. " How are you going to be one hell of a butler now?"

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