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Uhhhh! No. No! Then everyone came rushing in. Nya what's happening! Said Kai. Nya are you alright. Said Jay. Was it another dream. Said Lloyd. Nya what happened. Said Cole. I looked at Cole. Then everyone else. I jumped up and ran but before I could jump out of the I felt something Cold go though me. I trying Ed to restrain it. But nothing worked. My eyes went a glowing black. I looked over at Cole. Ah. Whacks happening. Said Jay. It seems as if the ghost is back. Said Zane. When I heard the word ghost I attacked. Cole dodged my blast of water. Cole run! Said Lloyd. Jay and Kai tried to hold me back. But I ran after him. Everyone else chased me down the hall. And that's when I cornered him. I tried everything in my power to stop, but I couldn't. By the time The guys got here he would be gone. I shot a blast of water at his arm. Then another. Next one at his leg. Nya stop! At that moment I felt frosty coat go over my body. And the cold left. I had then realized all the damageI had done. I saw that I had hurt my friend. I looked back to see the others looking at me with worried expressions. I looked back at the helpless ghost and then back at the rest. I then ran away. Lloyd and Kai chased after me into the night while Zane and Jay stayed by Cole.

(Cole POV)

Aaahh. Uhh. Hu. Uhhh. Huuu. Cole are you ok. Said Jay. Huh. Uhhh. Cole talk to us. Said Zane. Huuuu. Uuhhhhh. Cole! Please. Said Jay. It looked as if it were the the end for me. I tried to calm down. But the pain. The water had hit as if there was know tomorrow. Cole! I heard Jay scream. Then my vision started to cloud with black. And then that was the end. Or so I thought.

(Jay POV)

Zane! What happened to him! I-he, he, he is unconscious. But, but ghosts can't get knocked out. Can they. Well I guess they can. I tried to pick up Cole but my hands just kept going right though him. Jay. You need to calm down. Your to stressed out, so you won't be able to lift him.I put my hands though him again. Aahhh! Jay. Calm, down. I am! But my hands went though him again. Arg! Why does he have to be a ghost! Why did we have to go into a haunted temple! WHY WHERE WE STUPID ENOUGH TO TIE OUR SELFS TOGETHER!!! Ah. Uh. Ah. uh. Jay calm down. NO! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN IN THIS MESS! MY, MY, YOU KNOW, ALMOST KILLED MY BEST FRIEND BECAUSE SOMEONE IS TAKING OVER HER!! AND I. I. Huuuu. Uhhh. Huuu. Your right. I'm sorry. Good. AAAAHHHHHH! Cole! What's happening. Screamed Zane. Uhhh. Huuu. Cole said as he slowly got up. It burns. What burns. Said Jay. Where the water hit. Don't worry, as long as you don't get wet for the next hour or so you should be fine. Zane replied.

(Lloyd's POV)

Nya. Huuu. Stop. Running. Please. No. I, I, I have to leave. I saw Nya close her eyes as she kept running. Hu. Nya your gonna. Right then Nya ran right off the cliff. I ran towards her and caught her by her foot. Nya. Stop. I pulled her up and she told me the dream. Don't worry. I know what it feels like to be possessed. And it's awful. I. I just can never forgive myself. But you don't need to. Because it's someone else's doings. You would never hurt Cole on purpose. I know th- yes but I did. Nya put her face into her and. Nya. Listen to me. We're gonna stop this person. But how. Didn't you see. When Zane shot frost at you you turned back. So. So the person is stuck in limbo. In what. Limbo. Limbo is when someone is stuck between the living and the dead. And the only way to defeat someone stuck in limbo is to use ice, similar to a ghost. But the only way for them to become human again is for them to kill a ghost. But when this person takes over my whole body why do look the same? I, I not sure. Maybe the person looks similar to you. Right then Kai came running up. Guys look at this. Kai opened up a book and started to read it.



The only known 'person' to be stuck in limbo right now is Vide Karlof. But she goes by the name of 'the evil twin'. Vide was created by a mad scientist that brought her back to life. The mad scientists name was Olaf vigers. When Olaf was just about to finish Vides twin sister stepped into the house and destroyed the it. Which caused Vide to be unfinished and stuck in limbo. Vide's twin sisters name is Beyalas.

It is said that in the destruction of the house Beyalas and the mad scientist died. Which left an angry Vide stuck in limbo. Vide though that Beyalas was still alive. So she went looking for. A Journey that would never end.


(Cole POV)

I was laying in bed when. I heard a knock on the door. Come in. Then the person that had tried to take over Nya came in. Lights out she said. Then She shot me with some kind of arrow. When I woke up I saw that I was in some kind of cage. Who are you. I am Vide. Vide Karlof. And I have brought you hear to get answers out of you. How did you meet Beyalas. Beya who now. You know who I'm talking about! The water ninja! You out some kind of power in her to try and stop me with Ice man. That water ninja is Nya! Liar. I'm not lying! Alright then. Bye Bye. Vide pulled a switch and the whole room started filling up with water. Ahh. I climbed to the top of the cage. HELP! HELP! SOMEBODY! The Vide came back in to the room which was already 3 feet filled with water. At least my cage is 10 feet high. I thought. How's it going she said. Aahh! Why can't you just kill another ghost! We'll, unless you have the realm Crystal. We might not have the realm Crystal but we have a spell. Kai said. Guys. I was starting to think I was a goner. Kai started reciting the spell as Zane was fight Vide and Jay and Nya where trying to figure out how to stop the water. Hey. Where's Lloyd. I'm right here Lloyd came running though the room with a blue print. What is that for asked Jay. We can see which switch turns off the water. Said Lloyd Great Idea Said Nya. Uh. Guys. You really need to turn the water off. The water was already 7 feet.

(Zane POV)

I will stop you. No you won't. I will win. And you will loose. At that point Vide pulled a lever and Jay, Nya and Lloyd where stuck in the cage. It was getting so hard to fight in the water. I saw that Kai was having a hard time reading the book "ego lem Gallo uh. Hu. Ahh. Doge aray." I shot more Ice at Vide but she disappeared. I than swam to the control panel and pressed the reverse button. Then all the water emptied and the cage opened up. Were did Vide go said Jay. There! Screamed Nya. We all ran after her Kai trying to read the book while running. Your cornered now Vide. No, No! I will win! You know. Not everyone can win. And you are one of those people. Said Cole. Just then Kai finished the spell and Zane shot Vide. Her screams of mercy just made it worse. But then the ice dissolved into her and she froze. Then Nya walked up to her and pushed her into the portal. Then the portal disappeared. Yah. We did it! We all said. 

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