The North Pole

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          The skies are as dark as navy blue with dark black clouds and harsh winds blowing snow like a hurricane. The snowy dunes below are both being blown and built with tons of added snow. Polar bears and penguins are huddled together for warmth for their young and themselves. Solid glaciers stand tall solid as tons and tons of rocks all piled together into one mass structure. The icy oceans by the side of the land are just about as dark as the icy, causing gigantuous waves to crash one another as this intense weather rages on. One would assume this place is a complete winter wasteland and they'd be right, but somewhere here lies a warm special place deep within.

          The Dream Machine, commanded by the Dreamfinder himself, had just pulled out from an open portal which came from a different realm of pure imagination. Accompanying him are his imaginary flying purple dragon friend, Figment, his beloved Rachel whom he had met and fallen in love with not too long ago, and her imaginary gryphon friend, Algar. The sudden burst of energy of this ghastly blizzard upon their entry has nearly sent the Dream Machine flying off course, but Dreamfinder has managed to keep this vessel afloat.

          Lately, these four friends have been searching for the geodesic sphere that had disappeared from the Academy Scientifica-Lucidus, the academy in which Blair had previously attended to and of which Figment had been born at, sometime before. They have traveled to many different worlds, encountering strange phenomena, making great friends as well as enemies, and discovering what great things they have brought forth with their imagination. So far, as far as the search of the geodesic sphere goes, there has not been much success. The search continues on and who how far or close they all could be in achieving? With this kind of weather barging up against them, chances are they are less likely of succeeding.

"Dreamfinder!" Rachel shouted as she shields her eyes from the stinging snow. "I highly doubt this is the place for a giant sphere to show itself!"

"Figment! What is going on?" Dreamfinder shouts as well. "You were the one who picked a place to explore this time."

"I'm sorry, Dreamfinder!" yelled Figment. "I was imagining us playing in the snow. I wasn't expecting a giant blizzard!"

"BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK!!!" barked Algar with agitation.

"It's not safe up here, Dreamfinder!" Rachel shouts. "We have to get to the ground and out of the sky!"

"Agreed!" said Dreamfinder. He scans below to the snowy surface and says, "I see a large rock down there! The Dream Machine should be safe if we park next to it from the directed wind."

          Without hesitation, the Dreamfinder jerks the controls for an immediate landing towards that rock. They speed through the raging winds and through the blazing snow like a hot knife cutting butter, despite its immense strength. In the process, Rachel is jerked off of her feet and falls backward, while Figment and Algar both grip onto the railing of Dreamfinder's seat behind him. The Dreamfinder braces the cold, harsh wind beating his face at its mercy. His face is stinging and his arms and hands are trembling, but Dreamfinder would not stop. He is determined to get the Dream Machine and his friends to safety.

          They reach the rock unscathed and park the Dream Machine behind it where the wind is blocked and is not affecting as much. The dreams that power this dirigible have ceased and the machine had turned off for the time being. Dreamfinder jumps off his vessel with some rope and spikes, calling on his friends to join him in helping him keep the Dream Machine secure until the winds have passed. And so they did. They each take a long strand of rope, a spike, and a hammer and go about in their designated corners. The spikes are pounded deeper and deeper into the thickened snow until they know for sure the Dream Machine is tightly strapped down. Once finished, they all run back together realizing how freezing cold they instantly became. They haven't any warmer clothes to wear to beat this cold weather, but each other to hold and rub furiously. The effect is not working. They shut their eyes tightly at the torturous stinging pain that stabs through their cheeks and flesh. They may just as well be freezing to death.

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