Father Christmas

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          As Dreamfinder and Rachel entered the dark cave supposedly leading to the North Pole, hands clasped and eager to follow their imaginary friends inside, they hardly gave thought of the possible dangers that is lurking about before them. There was nothing but mounds of stalactites and stalagmites hunched together from top to bottom like the world's longest and sharpest set of dentures just waiting to cut and pierce whatever touches them. It was too dark to see, so it would be the only logical reason for them to stop. So they did. The enthusiasm that had overcome all of our heroes in hopes of finding some Christmas magic had suddenly depleted within that void. Figment and Algar are nowhere to be seen, having left behind both Rachel and Dreamfinder alone, worried.

"Uhh...perhaps we may have been a little too hasty running in here like this." the nerving Rachel quivered.

"Figment? Algar?" Dreamfinder calledout. "Where'd you two go?"

There was no answer. The Dreamfinder decided to take a crack at it.

"Figment?" Rachel shouted. "If you and Algar can hear us, follow our voices back. We're getting really worried here!"

          At first, there was nothing to be heard. A few seconds go by unanswered up until the air is suddenly being rung by a high-piercing scream.


"Whoa! That sounded like Figment!" Rachel shouted with a fright.


"And Algar, too! They must be in trouble!"

"Come on! I think they're this way!" said Dreamfinder finally.

          Sticking close together, the two of them ran towards the direction the screams were coming from. They had no idea where they were going through in this pitch-black void of nothing. They couldn't tell whether they were close to hitting a nearby stalagmite or not, or if there was anything else around here they could run into. It was possible. Especially considering how Figment and Algar must have just screamed at it. Their only hope was that whatever they would face is nothing dangerous that could harm them. They went through more than enough horrible circumstances trying to find the geodesic sphere as it is, it would be awful to spend another moment like that on Christmas.

"Figment!" Dreamfinder screamed.

"Algar! Where are you?" Rachel shouted louder.

          But there was no answer. It was clear that something or someone had already stepped up and had taken their friends away. Whatever the cause was, there was no way neither Rachel nor Dreamfinder would let them get away with them. They ran faster and faster towards the source of their friends' screams until finally, Dreamfinder stopped short at the sight of a glowing golden light.

"Rachel, wait!" Dreamfinder abruptly said.

          His eyes could not look away from the golden light that had just appeared. Perhaps this was what attracted Figment and Algar to have run off to. For Dreamfinder, it was strangely understandable. He stepped closer to the lightly pulling along with him. He wouldn't stop getting closer until he was almost a foot away of it from his face. It gave him the shivers, but also a warm and faint beating pulse that gently pressed against the Dreamfinder's face like a tender kiss on the cheek. With his eyes being so closely drawn to the light, he could easily be blinded by it by the time he'd come to his senses, but there was definitely something about it that wouldn't let him leave his gaze. His eyes squint tighter. He must be seeing things. He sees a man, a child, a small reptilian beast all dancing and playing under an array of silver snowflakes falling over them from above. Then another image appeared. An image of Dreamfinder as a grown-up Blair Mercurial laughing and singing on Christmas day with his family.

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