Chapter 1: My Old Pal

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(Song: Broken Heart – Puggy)

Henry smiled as his eyes gazed up at the old Studio. He hadn't been here in over thirty years and it was looking a little run down. The large Bendy above the barred gates grinned at him from above.

He glanced back at the letter in his hands. "All right, Joey Drew, this better be a good reason, it took me over five hours to get here," he grumbled, nudging open the creaking rusting gate with his side and heading over to the main entrance. 

He twisted the knob (paint and varnish peeling off the handle) and pushed open the door. It creaked and groaned and scrapped the floor in its determination to keep him out. The floorboards must have been waterlogged at some point as the planks had rippled. 

Henry knocked on the side of the wall, the sharp tap echoing down the hallway. "Hello? Joey? Are You here?"

"Just wait in my office, Henry!" a voice called. 

Henry chuckled and made his way to the small room, whistling softly. Posters he had made adorned the walls, peeling and old, ink splattered all over the place "Sure is a mess" he muttered, almost tripping over a Bendy doll.

Henry stooped down and picked it up, smiling at the small plush, remembering fond memories of his time spent here. He had drawn so much, and had made many friends. He pushed open the door to Joey's office and sat down at the desk, wheeling it around with glee, and putting his feet up as he waited. "JOEY! WHAT'S TAKING YOU SO LONG!?" he whined as loud as he could, sounding like a child.

"SHUT UP! JUST WAIT!" Joey screamed back.

Henry laughed and fell silent, reaching out to fiddle with one of the Biro pens on Joeys paperwork covered desk. Back when the studio was first formed, they had to use ink and inkwells, not these mass produced plastic things that had grown so popular in the past decade. Henry removed his feet and wheeled the chair in for a closer look at what Joey had strewn across the Mahogany table. Frowning when he realized it was mostly old fines, late fees, and bills Joey still hadn't paid off. It was such a shame it had to close for good. But with the war and the lack of employees, and Joey's persistence to have everything, it was inevitable.

The sharp tick noise caught his ear, and he looked up to see an old broken Bendy clock on the wall, still amazingly working, but the hands weren't moving. Well, the Bendy merchandise was never perfect. Considering it had all been made here at the Studio with Joeys 'never having enough money' attitude. He had cut costs all over the place, using the cheapest materials, and ignoring the workers' complaints to achieve his dreams.

Henry turned his head as he heard a slight whimper coming from the cupboard in the room's corner.

That was strange. 

He stood up quietly, floorboards squeaking as he trailed over "Hello?" he called gently. The noise persisted, quieter this time as if whoever was making it hadn't wanted any attention. Henry unlocked the cupboard, using the key already sticking out the lock, and held the Bendy doll in front of him as if the small fluffy thing would protect him. He nudged it open with a foot, waiting. Nothing jumped out at him.

"Hello?" he asked, braver this time.

"C-Close the d-door" a voice whispered, strained and sad. Henry ignored the ask and opened the other door, allowing the light to enter its interior. Henry's eyes widening in horror as he peered in. 

It couldn't be. It really couldn't be.

But it was, 

The little devil darling was real.


Bendy whimpered, carefully turning over in the small cage he was in, his back to him. Henry gave him a concerned look "Did Joey put you in here?"



"So I d-don't run away, a-again."

Henry kneeled down, his eyes washing over the cramped conditions and the grey scars that littered Bendy's body, "Does he hurt you?" he asked, still not quite believing what was happening, the cartoon character he had drawn all those years ago was here, real and alive!

Bendy let out a shaky breath "Only c-cause I d-deserved it, I'm u-useless, he says s-so," the demon whispered.

Before he realized what he was doing, Henry unlatched the cage door and reached in, gently scooping him up and bringing him out into the open. The ink demon gazed up at him with fearful eyes, blinking in the dusty light.

Was this man going to punish him?

Had he done wrong?

"You're not useless, Bendy, your're the star of the show, remember? Bendy the Dancing Demon! The little Devil Darlin himself! You're more important than you give yourself credit for. Joey and I, and lots of others, made this entire studio just to make cartoons featuring you!" Henry said, a smile on his face and a look of wonder in his eyes.

Bendy trembled in his hands and shook his head "P-Put me b-back, before he sees, h-he'll punish m-me, p-please!"

Henry frowned at Bendy's fear, feeling the small body shake in his arms "I will not let that man hurt you anymore, Bendy."

Henry looked around as if contemplating something. He frowned and narrowed his eyes as he heard Joey messing around with what sounded like a lot of glass bottles, the clinking noises echoing down the hall. "You know what? You're coming home with me" he said, not sure he was doing the right thing.

Bendy's pie cute eyes widened "R-Really?" his voice sounded hopeful, still afraid, but hopeful. Henry nodded "Absolutely, I'll give you some food, maybe a bath too, you can get some sleep, in a real bed, doesn't that sound nice?" he asked.

Bendy nodded, "I must b-be dreaming" he mumbled, rubbing one of his eyes with a gloved hand, ink trailed from his face to his hand in gooey strings, the left side of his face melting a little. The ink demon wiped it on his fur hurriedly "I'm s-sorry, it h-happens, when I g-get emotional" Bendy said, looking very guilty at the ink dripping off him, tears ran down his face and dripped down onto the floor, his face melting more.

He expected a beating for being weak, and he flinched when Henry reached out. But all Henry did was gently push the ink back where it had been and smile at him "Nothing to be guilty about, now lets get you out of here."

"What's your n-name?" Bendy asked.

"My names Henry, it's nice to meet you, Bendy" Henry said, putting out a hand, Bendy awkwardly shook it.

The old cartoonist carefully tucked the small demon into his jacket, and zipped it up, Bendy curled up into his shirt as tight as he could, hands bunched up into the button-up underneath and his heart beating loudly.

Henry peered out the door, making sure the coast was clear before rushing out the Studio as fast as he could.


Joey whistled merrily as he hurried back to his office. He walked in and grinned "Sorry to keep you waiting, my old pal, I- Henry?" Joey looked around in befuddlement at the empty room.

Where did Henry go?

He clenched his hands in annoyance as he noticed the cupboard doors wide open. The cage inside was empty of the demon it usually contained. Joey kicked the doors shut and let out an angry scream, loud enough to send the birds nesting in the nearby trees outside fly off in fear.

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