Chapter 7: Artist

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Bendy snooped around the door into Joey's office slowly, eyes wide and ears on alert. Ever since the Studio shut down almost a year ago, his Creator had become more angry with the world. He was always drinking the nasty smelling liquid from the many bottles he brought back with him from outside, and dishing out severe punishments for small things. 

The ink demon had resorted into stealing the Bacon Soup cans from the storage by picking the lock on the usually locked room since Joey didn't care to feed him anymore. All the food that existed was either the stuff Joey ate or the boxes of Briar Label Bacon Soup, and Bendy would get punished if he touched what was Joeys. 

The ink demon had been trying to avoid the man as much as he could throughout the year, exploring the studio, finding cool things he could stash in his hidden safe place, but he was now very low on paper and he knew Joey had some.

He peered around the door again, eyes glancing at the vacant desk. Joey was in the bathroom, throwing up whatever alcohol he had digested earlier, the echoing sloshing sounds made him feel nauseous.

Giving the all clear he hurried over to the desk, side stepping bottles and messes with ease in his race. The ink demon jumped up on the table and opened the top drawer, grabbing the much-needed printing paper within before he raced back to his secret place. 

He made himself comfortable at the small table sat amongst the empty soup cans and piles of objects, making sure the ink well was filled with fresh ink before he began to draw.


On, off, on, off, on, off. Bendy sat in the cupboard quietly, his body still hurting from Joey's punishment, he had found a small old electric lantern in the box next to him to play with and keep himself amused. The man had locked him the cupboard after his escape attempt and left him there, fair enough, he had disobeyed Joey, but he really didn't like the cage.

How long had it been since the studio had shut down now? Ten years? Fifteen? Or was it almost thirty? Bendy couldn't remember, it had been so long, days blurred together when fear ruled your life. Joey's hair had gone from brown to cartoon gray, and the man had trouble walking, but that didn't stop him from racing after Bendy when he misbehaved.

The cramped space grew dark as night fell outside, Bendy could hear the faint chirp of crickets and the odd occasional hoot of an owl, mixed with the creaks an groans of the studio itself. It was strangely haunting, but Bendy was used to the noises by now, they were familiar and it wasn't scary anymore. Not like it used to be at the start, when even thunder storms had him curling up next to Joey, trembling as the man chuckled and stroked his fur, reassured him he was safe from the growling skies.

Oddly Joey had been nice, once upon a time, when Bendy was still new to the world. Punishments hadn't been so bad, not like now, now they left marks.

Bendy sighed and put the lantern back, curling up on the floor of his cage, trying to make himself comfortable "G-Goodnight, J-Joey" he said out loud. He heard the man grunt his reply, then fall silent.


After the mess was gone and Bendy had calmed down, Linda put the ink demon back down on his seat and finished making lunch, placing the finished sandwich in front of him. Bendy looked up from his drawing and smiled "Thank you" he said, putting down his pencil and looking around for Henry "Just eat, sweetie, Henry said you don't need permission, okay?"

Bendy nodded and picked up the sandwich, taking a bite as he returned to his artwork.


Late that evening Bendy finally finished the drawing he had been working on. He got down off the table and hurried into the living room where Henry and Linda were sitting on the larger sofa, curled up together and watching a movie. H-Henry!" Bendy cried excitedly, waving the drawing in his hand "I'm finished, do you w-want to see?"

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