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I yawned turning over in bed trying to get to more sleep,

"Good morning my sweet little flower" Asa smirked as he sat on the bed and fixed my hair

"Ummm... Go away" I groan

"Ohh come on flower, don't you wanna get up and get out to the shopping?" He asked

"No, I can Christmas shop online I don't wanna go out" I complained

"come on flower, wakey wakey" he smiled pulling the duvet away from me and picking me up and making me sit on the table "So do you want your calendar?" He smiled

"Yes" I giggled

"Thats my girl" He smirked giving my head a kiss and getting our calendars "What day flower?"

"thirteen Asa" I smiled

"Thirteen..... Ohh big door for you flower" he smiled handing me one of my calendars so I found the door and opened it getting out the little jar candle "aww thats nice, what's it smell off?" he asked

"Roses" I smiled

"Awww lovely my little flower" He smiled

"what about you?" I asked

"I got a screwdriver" he smirked

"Nice, what about in the food one?" I asked

"Tiny Nutella" He smiled "what about you?" He asked

"Lavander Tea" I answered

"Ohh so we can have a breakfast of Lavander tea and Nutella on toast" He suggests

"we could" I smiled leaning on his shoulder

"Can we.... do you know" He smirked

"the what?" I asked

"The... calendar in our bedroom?" He suggested

"Yes go on asa" I smiled

"Yay!" he smiled giving me a kiss before running to our room for a while

"What did we get asa?" I asked

"Oooooohhhh.... we got some rope" he smirked showing a bundle of dark blue rope "so shall we go back to bed and try out some rope?"

"Why? it's just rope" I shrug

"yeah but... I've not tied you up before" he smirked "Come on my little flower, don't you wanna..."

"I'd rather not asa" I smiled giving him a kiss and going back to bed

"Oh come on flower, we got the smutty calendar and we promised to find something to do with our new toy every day" he smirked

"Fine" I smirked "But you're the on getting tied up asa"

"Deal" He smirked "Tie me up then flower" he winked laying back in our bed and handing me the rope.

Asa Butterfield Book 1Where stories live. Discover now