I don't want anybody else

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I stood doing myself a glass of wine when there was a knock at my door so I sighed getting it and saw asa on my porch

"No," I told him slamming the door again 

"Please y/n!" he yelled banging on the door "Please! Just listen"

"I don't wanna talk to you asa" 


"NO!" I yelled taking my wine and going to bed.

I yawned as I made my coffee and making myself some toast when the door knocked I sighed and got it. already knowing who it was I opened the door and saw asa stood in his suit with a bunch of flowers of roses and daisies "Please y/n... I'm sorry" 

"Really?" I asked  

"of course I am, it was a misunderstanding"

"So It's my fault?"

"no! it's not your fault... Just please let me explain"

"you were masturbating in my bedroom asa... you don't need to explain" I sighed slamming the door 

"Please y/n! just listen! please!" He begged from outside I sighed and got my toast.

I stood in the supermarket doing my shopping when I heard a familiar voice behind me "Y/n Please just listen to me"

"asa.... give it up, Please," I told him ignoring him to continue my shopping 

"Please y/n" He says holding my hand "Look I know it doesn't excuse what I did. But y/n... id liked you forever, and I got a little drunk and I found myself in your room and I couldn't help myself... I just wanted- I don't know what I wanted" he explained "I really am sorry"

"Okay" I nodded

"Okay? Can I ask you out on a date?"

"No" I sighed 

"When are you going to forgive me?"

"Never asa," I told him walking away to continue my shopping.

he tried for days buying me flowers, chocolates, bottles of wine, presents and apologises through my door, I tried my best to ignore them... I wanted to forgive asa, after all, I did like him. but the shock and horror of finding him in my bedroom doing that to himself in my bed holding my underwear when I asked him to look after my cats for the weekend I couldn't get over it 

I had done some shopping trying to get my mind off asa for a while I popped into the coffee shop ordering my coffee but then I heard it 

"Y/n! Please you haven't responded to anything" asa complained

"I know asa I've been ignoring you" I sighed

"Please y/n! what's it going to take for you to forgive me! I'm so sorry for what I did, I'm sorry, what can I do to make up to you" he asked

"Your really sorry?"

"of course I am"

"You're not going to do it again?"

"I promise I won't" he blushed 

"I'm not going to find you jerking off anywhere else am I?"

"Of course not, Unless... you wanted me too" he laughs "so... Will you go on a date with me?"

"I don't know asa, not sure thats a great idea," I said

"Please y/n, what do I have to do to show you how I feel about you?" He asked but before I could answer a light clicked in his eyes and he smirked giving my hand a kiss going to the back of the coffee shop where a band was setting up he whispered something to them and he smiled as holding the mic stand having it make that awful feedback noise I didn't know how to react as music began that instantly made me blush hard 

"I love myself, I want you to love me...
When I feel down, I want you above me" Asa began well talking not quiet singing "I search myself, I want you to find me
I forget myself, I want you to remind me" 

I was mortified as everyone in the shop could see us and hear us many looking at me as he was clearly singing to me 

"Oooohhh And I don't want anybody else

When I think about you, I touch myself!" He sang badly at the top of his lungs singing the chorus over and over often pointing or leaning the mic stand towards me I couldn't stop blushing and laughing till he jumped down and held my hand "I really don't want anyone else... and I do think about you a lot when I touch myself" He says "And I'm sorry for what I did... but I love you y/n" 

"I love you too asa" I smiled hugging him tightly he hugged me tightly too and even pulled my chin up so he could kiss me....

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