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The files had finally arrived into the office, I hope after all this time they might give us some more of an idea of what happened to them...

'The room was white but had bright blue tape in various places clearly being painted, all the furniture covered in clear plastic sheets tins of paint sitting on the floor beside painting trays, brushes and rollers, the camera moves erratically around the room a moment
"Oooohhh... Look at that, this is some amazing picture quality" asa smiled "look at that I can see like all the stuff so clearly, it's like getting new glasses"
It then moved revealing a mirror on the wall and there asa stood in his old tattered jeans and a t shirt that looked battered to hell holding his phone "oohh it's me, hello" he waved
There was a giggle from elsewhere
"Hi little one, it's me daddy. Umm don't I look lovely" he laughs "now... Dum da da dum, look who it is"
The camera then turned revealing a woman in a tattered yellow dress stood on a ladder with a roller painting the walls "oooohh my goodness I have been blinded by beauty, look who it is kiddo, it's mummy, looking as ravishing as ever"
"Uumm, that's very nice but I think daddy needs to put down his new toy and help mummy paint the walls like he promised" y/n laughs
"I just wanted to show how increadably beautiful you look today" he laughs "And look at you little guy look how cute you look" he laughs cuddling her little baby bump 


"Y/n what was that?"

"I don't know... it sounds like something is going on downstairs-"

It then cut off and there was nothing else... something happened we just need to find out what.

Asa Butterfield Book 1Where stories live. Discover now