Chapter 8- Fuck shit up!

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We're currently blasting music in the house,well lemme say Avery and Trey are blasting music that I can hear from my shower ,which is so warm I don't wanna get out but I've been in here for 30 minutes and if I don't get ready I know they'll drag me . I'm the only one not dressed yet, so I slip out the shower wrapping a blue fluffy towel around my body I dry my self ,then lotion myself ,put on my black two piece set from Victoria Secret ,a strapless bra and a thong to match .

I slip on my bodycon red dress ,that is backless but has spaghetti strappes and look in the mirror, I look good the dress is skin tight ,I decide on wearing a necklace I bought when me and Avery went shopping ,I slip on my black Louis Vuitton heels, and a gold ankle bracelet, put perfume on  ,ruffle my still defined hair  spray it a bit for more shine .Instead of a full blown make up ,I just put mascara, eyeliner and  lipgloss like the usual .Looking at the mirror I look bad .


I was hesitant  about this dress but it fits like a glove .

I look like a bad bitch ,

I take a Snapchat video .

Walking towards the kitchen, I can barely hear myself walk because of the music ,damm this is not the club ,I hear a whistle from a Avery that looks tipsy already she's in a skimpy black dress and red heels ,damm .

Dammm ,you look sexy "she hollers I laugh shaking my head .

You look good Ma" Trey imitates a dude's voice ,I giggle.

Y'all look good too "I compliment.

We know" they cheer.

We wait for the uber , while they pour me 3 shots to get me pumped I gulped them down in a swift move ,frowning at the taste sometimes I wonder why I still drink alcohol it tastes like shit.

The uber says its outside so we walk out ,lock and into the elevator, snapping a few snaps for the Snapchat. The people in the lobby stare ,obviously I mean 3 drunk adults waltzing through their lobby , we ignore and make it into the uber , we're so tipsy so we easily engage in a conversation with the driver ,who tells us to be safe and stuff aww isn't he adorable .

He is !

Arriving at the club, we can tell its packed and damm the cars parked out here must cost a fortune we squeal amongst ourselves as we hook our arms around at each other and we bounce into the entrance, the line was barely there .

That's a first !

Inside ,some Mix song is playing and ,neon is everywhere like dude ,the lights and shit ,the bar is gleaming neon green ,I look at my friends as they giggle ,walking towards the bar we order 6 shots and gulp them ,urghh I suck on the lemon even the bar tender chuckles ,after ordering one more round ,I feel drunk like happy drunk .

Let's dance !?"Avery yells over the music and we follow her just as Rihana work starts playing ,old skool but it still does it

Twerking and shaking.




Flops of hair

I love my friends y'all!

After countless times of dancing, I find myself dancing with this cute dude who I don't even know the name ,paying no mind I carry on twirling around with him as he chuckles and I giggle ,

I look over at the bar ,and see Avery and Trey sitting there I excuse myself.

Excuse me ,I have to go"I tell the guy he frowns .

Already ?" He asks I nod and walk towards them.

Heyyy y'all ?!" I call over the music ,they see me coming and giggle

Done fucking shit up at the dance floor ?"Avery slurs I chuckle

For now "I giggle

This guy invited us ,up to the VIP section ,let's go we were about to go grab you " Trey says and I nod , a guy in a turtle neck  comes up and whispers something in Avery's ear she smiles and nods we follow her and the guy ,up the stairs down a particular hallways that is straight glass I can see all the bodies dancing downstairs.

We reach a door with two bulky men standing infront of it ,Avery's man whispers something in the door man's ear  and he nods  opening the door wide enough for us to walk in and goddam

I thought downstairs was high class, this shit is boujee !

This place is like a second club inside a club but for the snobs I guess or for the big guys ...

There's a mini bar ,and couches filled with men and women in skimpy outfits ,dammm where's the rest of their clothes .

He leads us to a couch where, there's 3 men and 2 ladies sitting I'm guessing he's friends ,Me and Trey sit down and gulp down the drinks

I'll go to the bathroom real quick okay"he says I nod,Avery is occupied with the VIP dude.

Heyyyy "a deep voice says next to me ,I look and its a dude in a turtle neck ,what's with the  turtle neck thing

Hi" I answer

What's a pretty Lady like you sitting alone for ?"he asks, I finally acknowledge him by turning slightly so I'm facing him,I smile.

Well I'm with  my friends but they're occupied right now "I tell him chuckling a bit he smiles .

What's your name ?" He asks 

I'm Malia ,you are ?"I ask extending my hand ,he takes it and places a gentle kiss on it ,I smirk.

I'm Richard Hernandez "he answers.

You come here a lot ?" I ask him,he smiles

Not all the time but I'm a regular yes "he answers I smile .

Mhhmmm" I mummble .

Want another drink?"he asked

You're tryna get me drunk Rich?"I ask him giggling, mind you I am drunk already.

Aren't you already ?"he asks chuckling I swat he's arm ,we carried on talking, for a while before I realised it he was sitting very close to me ,like supper close .

So when I turned to look at him again ,he grabbed my neck and hungrily kissed me ,I was taken completely of guard ,so I tried moving away from him but nope ,clearly he doesn't get that I'm not kissing him back ,I pushed him off and he smiled ,where as I frowned .

Why would you kiss me without permission ?"I snap

I'm sorry ,I just couldn't help myself "he practically slurs I roll my eyes .

Yeah ,excuse me " I say getting and walking towards the restroom ,where I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed ,ruffling my hair ,I washed my hands ,re-applied my gloss and walked out ,but I was roughly grabbed by somebody and slammed onto the wall .

Get off me "I attempted to fight but I'm drunk so there's wasn't much I could do.

Relax Babe" the voice says and I look up ,its Richard ,the fucken bum

What do you want Richard? "I  ask

Shhhh" he cooes kissing me all over my neck I whimper .

Stop "I push him but no Vail

Shhh you'll enjoy it " he says

Please stop "I say as tears begin to cloud  my vision ,but before he says anything he is roughly pulled off me roughly  thrown to the ground, I can't see who the person is through my vision so I wipe my tears away . At this point he  full blown beat the shit out of Richard until he was bloodied and unconscious.

Malia are you okay ?" My savior asks


Hello 💀

Who do you think the savior is ??


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