track 04. mr blue sky - electric light orchestra

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Hey you with the pretty face, welcome to the human race.


I woke up feeling sticky, my liver apparently having been working overtime as I slept to expel the many toxins from my body. I felt sorry for it, knowing that if this was just the first night, it was in for a rough three years.

"Gross," I mumbled, peeling the duvet away from my sweaty body, knowing I was going to have to wash my sheets already.

I grabbed a clean pair of boxers and headed towards the bathroom. Rye's door was still closed as I had left it, and I just hoped he had managed to sleep off his own demons. Mine were etched very clearly on my face, as I discovered upon looking at myself in the bathroom mirror, getting a fright from the sight of my own reflection. My hair was half stuck to my forehead, the other half sticking up everywhere it wasn't supposed to be, my eyes haggard and haunted like I'd just come home from the war.

I turned the shower on, emptying my bladder in the loo while the water heated up, before stepping under the steamy flow. I groaned in relief as the hot water poured over my aching muscles, flushing the sweat out of my hair and skin. I closed my eyes, just wanting to enjoy these moments of peace.

Unfortunately for me, Rye had other ideas, bursting into the bathroom seconds later and making a beeline straight for the toilet. He barely had his head bent over the ledge before he was puking his guts out, the pleasant fragrance of strawberry shower gel in my nostrils being quickly replaced by the much more potent odour of stomach acid. 

"Jesus, Rye," I complained, scrunching my nose up. He didn't acknowledge me, a second wave of vomiting immediately following his first. It appeared his demons were coming up the old fashioned way.

I begrudgingly stepped out of the warm shower, wrapping a towel around myself before padding over to him. I rubbed my hand up and down his back, waiting for him to finish.

"You okay?" I checked when he seemed to be done, still crouched and panting over the bowl.

"Leave it running," he said, gesturing to the shower. "I'm a fucking mess."

He flushed the toilet and I put my boxers on, going to the cabinets to find the mouthwash for him so he could rinse while I started brushing my teeth. When he'd fully rinsed his mouth out he slipped his own boxers off and stepped into the still running shower.

"That's mine," I pointed out, watching him squeeze a generous blob of strawberry shower gel into his palm.

"Eat my dick," he retorted. In retaliation, I reached into the shower to quickly twist the temperature knob from hot to freezing, chuckling when he yelped as I left the bathroom.

I padded around the kitchen in my boxers, opening up curtains and windows, letting the fresh air inside. It was a lovely day to be hungover, the sky an inviting shade of blue. I felt the sun beating down onto my pale skin, not able to help from being in a good mood despite the slight headache I still had. It was all happening. Our new adventure had begun.

I boiled the kettle for teas, but we hadn't really had a chance to buy many groceries yet besides the basics, so I thought ordering in would be the best option for breakfast. My body was craving carbs. I checked on my phone, and thankfully McDonalds did deliver to our area, so I ordered two of the biggest greasiest breakfast sandwiches I could find.

I received a DM from Brooklyn as I sat on the counter sipping my tea, checking to see if I'd made it home alright. It was sweet of him to check, especially after I'd ditched him, but I didn't count on it meaning anything more than him being a nice person. I wouldn't be surprised if I'd blown my shot with him, and that was disappointing but at least it was happening now before I got too attached. I messaged him back, apologising for the way the night ended and letting him know that Rye and I made it home safe, if a little worse for wear.

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