Chapter 1 ~Calm simple life~

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I sighed happily as i sat on top of a hill near my home. I lived alone for 17 years now. I am currently 21 years old. My grandpa who pasted 2 years ago said he found me in a pod he raised me into the woman i am today and my room is filled with draws of a boy i think was my big brother. I believe I'm part alien or something because one i have a fuzzy brown tail, two when i get angry energy fills my body and my black hair turns yellow, one time it went red and grew longer and my body was covered in red fur. Even if i was an alien my grandfather Yoshi loved me for who i was not what i was. He did everything he could to protect me and keep me safe. He even taught me his famous sonic wave. It's where all my energy from my body goes to my hands and when i clap a huge wave of energy forms and wipes out the enemies.
I giggled as a butterfly landed on my nose. The butterfly was very beautiful

 The butterfly was very beautiful

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"Well hello beautiful. Are you new around here?" I asked as i gently moved the butterfly from my nose to my pointer finger. I slowly sat up and looked at the beautiful creator before gently setting it down on a white rose.
I slowly got up to my feet and started walking down the hill to my house. I gently picked a few flowers as i walked through the field filled with flower that came in all color, shape, and sizes. It was spring time so of course the flowers would be glowing this time of year. Once i got into my house i gently placed the flowers in a vase and filled it half way with water before looking in the mirror

 Once i got into my house i gently placed the flowers in a vase and filled it half way with water before looking in the mirror

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"You'll find out where you belong one Makayla my little warrior. Never give up hope" Grandpa Yoshis voice said in my head i smiled slightly "I know papa," i whispered before placing the vace down on the table and walking to the living room to watch chopped.
That night i made my self some noodles and then headed off to bed "good night papa" i whispered as i drifted off to dream land.

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