chapter 4 ~lord beerus and whis~

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I smiled as Trunks and Goten made silly faces at each other. "Yall two are silly." I whispered because Bulla was asleep on my chest. I was babysitting the kids as chichi and bulma relaxed. Bulma was an amazing sister in law right after i got here she helped me get to know everyone. "oh Makayla dear two more visitors are coming please be nice" bulma said. I looked at her "I am the nicest person you ever met" i said she smiled "i know but these guys scare your big brother" she said i smiled "so do warms dont tell him i told ya that" i whispered she laughed.
I was walking around i heard my brother studdering "Vegeta?" I said looking around the corner to see two people a tall blue man with female facial features with white hair and a purple cat in blue and gold "Oh who is this?" The tall blue man asked before i could say anything my brother was beside me "this is my little sister Vera but her earth name is Makayla.. Sis meet Lord Beerus God of Destruction and Whis Lord Beerus's teacher and assistant." Vegeta said smiling nervously. Whis and Lord Beerus looked at me in shock "I remember you!! Your the little baby we played with on planet vegeta!" Lord Beerus said and whis tapped his staff and a baby picture popped up
(The pic)

 Whis and Lord Beerus looked at me in shock "I remember you!! Your the little baby we played with on planet vegeta!" Lord Beerus said and whis tapped his staff and a baby picture popped up (The pic)

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I blinked and smiled "i am sorry but i do not remember you but it is nice to met yall again" i bowed.
I was walking around when bulma came up to me "Makayla can you sing?" She asked i nodded "yes why?" I asked "great i want you to sing for everyone!" She said trying to drag me to the stage "How about no" i said she froze "please its for the kids!!" She whined "if i sing this once never i mean NEVER ask me to do it again ok?" I said She nodded. She took me on stage and handed me the microphone "ok Bulma wanted me to do this and I'm only singing ONE song" I said everyone laughed All the kids got infront of the stage.

As i sang my body gave into the music and i sang my heart out

Once i finished i felt relaxed I'll never say out loud but it felt nice to sing for everyone

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Once i finished i felt relaxed I'll never say out loud but it felt nice to sing for everyone.
Lord Beerus and Whis~
"She's grown up alot since we last seen her" whis said
Lord Beerus nodded "yes she has" he replied as they watched her walk around. "She's so beautiful and thick dont you agree Whis?" Lord Beerus asked purring abit "oh i agree my lord.. Just watching them hips make me wanna go wild!" Whis said eating his icecream "how about she come home with us along with her brother and goku but not train her, her power is as high as mine but i dont wanna fight her.. She just so perrrrfect" lord beerus said smiling. Whis agreed "one day we'll make her our goddess but we can't force her" whis said lord Beerus nodded "Sharing is caring" lord Beerus said "my lord you are so cheesy" whis said as the clacked their spoons and went back to eating
(I made them alittle bit of pervs who cares 😎😎😎😎)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2020 ⏰

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