chapter 3~ F off you trucker~

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Dream~ i looled up at my brother as he pit me in a pod "Bubba come" i cried holding on to his arms "I can't.. But i promise to find you one day Vera" Vegeta said as he gently kissed my head before shutting the pod "Bubba Vegeta!!" I cried as the pod took off
End of dream~
I sat up quickly i looked around "This aint my room" i whispered as i quickly jumped out of bed and gently yet quietly landed on the floor. I gently walked towards the door, i put my ear on the door to listen after a minute of listening i didnt hear anything so i walked out the hall was huge and empty. I quickly ran down the hall. One of the doors i went by was open and i heard crying, i stopped it sounded like a little baby. I slowly walked towards the door and peeked in, i saw a nursery in the crib i saw a pink blacket. Something in my heart told me to go in i checked the hall one last time before slowly walking in. I slowly walked up to the crib i looked in and saw the baby had the blacket over its face so it couldnt see. I gently pulled off the blacket and the baby stopped crying and looked at me "Huh?" The baby said titling her head to the side.
(I know its Tarzan, just roll with it)

I smiled slightly she reached out for me and giggled

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I smiled slightly she reached out for me and giggled. I gently picked her up "Your a very cute baby" i whispered as i held her she giggled. "So your my aunty" a small voice behind me said making me jump. I quickly turned around to see a purple haired boy, my heart drew me to him as well. I got down on my knees before gently placing a hand on his cheek, he froze before tears filled his eyes "O-oh no dont cry d-did i hurt you?" I asked worriedly. He sniffed "no its just nice to have a nice aunt" he said as he hugged me i smiled.
Bulla was asleep and trucks showed me around. I smiled at the young boy. "Who the heck is this trunks?" Someone asked trunks and i turned to see a tall pickle looking man "This is my aunt Makayla my dads sister" trucks said smiling "eh so that stupid prince has a ugly sister. I bet you just like him to." The green man growled as he grabbed my shoulder i growled back and flipped him he landed on the ground creating a large hole in the ground.

" The green man growled as he grabbed my shoulder i growled back and flipped him he landed on the ground creating a large hole in the ground

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I put my foot on his throat "two things. One dont talk about my big brother and two you just got taken down by a girl." I growled.
Everyone came running out of the large house i looked at everyone and crossed my arms iver my chest. "Vera- i mean Makayla let me-" Vegeta started i put my hand up "I have some words for you Vegeta" i growled and walked to him. I stopped infront of him we looked at each other for a minute before i slapped him everyone gasped "THAT'S FOR LEAVING ME 17 YEARS AGO!!!" I growled as Vegeta held his cheek then i hugged him "Its good to see you again big brother" i said as Vegeta hugged me back "Awe Vegeta you've gone soft" Kakarot said "oh F off you trucker!!" Me and my brother growled

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