Lizzy pov: once our letter came in we went to our rooms we all starts school Monday.
Time skip to Monday
We were looking for class 1A it tooked is a minute or two. We were one of the first ones there it was quite then the room started to fill up. Tenya was arguing with Bakagou I'm just going to see Ignore ignore him. Once Tenya notice me he walked up to me and say "thank you for helping me see that u can be a hero where ever u go. If it wasn't for u I wouldn't know that their were hero points. Why are u so nice to people u don't even know?"
"...did u just here what u said. If u want to be a hero small tip save people u know and don't. Good or bad because both are in need of help some people." I said
"Why bad?"
"Because sometimes they have a reason and other times they think they're doing the right thing. So as we are soon to be hero's we need to show them the right way. Help people in trouble if it big or small it all counts ok know. I think our teacher coming soon let take our seat and be quiet."
The whole class was listening and they all quieted down and took there seats.
Izuku pov: I heard Lizzy whole conversation and the rest of the class then the class quieted down once everyone was quiet. We all saw a big yellow caterpillar wiggle it self into the classroom then it talked. Then once it turned around there was a face the guy slowly got out of the sleeping bag. "Good you all are quiet know I'm Aizawa your homeroom teacher." Said Aizawa
"Know put these on and meet me out on the field."
Then he walked out we all did what he said Lizzy, Jocelyn, Maddie, and Althea were so calm. Once we all were in our PE suits then
he said "ok know we're are doing a quirk quirk evacuation test."
Uraraka said "what about the organization."
"Bakagou what was your high amount in did u get."
Bakugou said " 56"
"Know through this with your quirk"
"Ok" he stands behind the line and yells "Dieeeee! I knew why he said die he was telling that to me. Here was thinking that ball was me.
A pink girl said "ooo that looks so fun."
Aizawa glared at the whole class I see Maddie, Althea, Lizzy, and Jocelyn smack there face. "If u think this will be fun then who ever gets in lasted place will be expelled."
"that's no fair."
"What happens if there a Catastrophic....(meow) ok who meow?"
Looks down see Althea as a cat.
   "Never mind. Anyway there are ruthless villain people endanger. Nothing fair life is not fair so that's why."
   We all didn't say anything on we started in the end Izuki was in fourth place Kacchan third, Todorki second and momo first. Jocelyn was in fifth, Maddie was sixth, Althea was in seventh, and I was in eighth.
"Oh I lied." Aizawa
"What really."class but a few
"Ya guy he wanted us not to hold back he was never planning to expel anyone." momo said
"No you're wrong he would've expelled someone." I said
The whole class looked at me with big eyes.
   "Ya he have expelled his whole class last year. Don't u guys know anything if he didn't see any potential in u he would've expelled u. Be glad he thought u would make a good hero." Althea said
   She hopped onto my shoulder and we walked off I dropped off Althea at her desk then went to mine. Aizawa let us all introduce or do whatever we wanted. Althea was the first to introduce her self she said " hi I'm Althea and my quirk is Neko! I can turn  into a car... I MEAN CAT! Man auto correct!!
"U um y you n now t this i is r rea l l life n not a p phone o or s something." Deku said
   "What did u say?!"
   "N n nothing."
   "I know I said something tell if u do said it. Never mind I know what u said those are fitting words I'm going to kill u."
   " n no I I d didn't m mean that i I j just um."
Right before Althea kill the Deku bean I made a milk fish Jocelyn made a controller for the fish. Maddie was controlling it then Althea was chasing that around the room instead of killing Deku. I see the whole class shocked by this once she got the fish she ate so quickly u didn't see her chew or swoll it. Then I made Althea apologize to Deku and the class I fell like the class is scared of me on how calm I am in a situation like this.
( time skip to all might teaching)
Maddie pov: We were all sitting down when I heard so someone coming I looked at Lizzy. I used telepathy and said "someone's coming"
Lizzy said "it's all might."
Althea and Jocelyn both agreed with that once we stopped using telepathy. We all hear "I'm coming through the door like a normal person!"
He started walking no where close to a hooman. Then he brought us our hero costumes I think my looks pretty good we all got dress.
Mine look like this

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