Mingi/Seonghwa - Santa Baby

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I wanted to get one more Christmas one shot out before the big day finally arrives, and what better way to do it than follow up on the last one?? This is another treat for all my Minhwa fans out there. (Yes especially you jinjin0309)

I love you all so much <3<3

Seonghwa smiled contented as he leaned back in his rocking chair and looked over his living room.

The lights on his tree twinkled, making the ornaments shine perfectly.

Everything was beautiful and just the way it should be. The only thing that would make this moment even better would be if he could hold his baby girl in his arms instead of rubbing his belly over and over.

"How are you doing my love?" Mingi asked, walking over and handing Seonghwa a glass of eggnog.

The older hummed. "I'm wishing this was your mom's special eggnog right about now." He said with a teasing smirk before taking a small sip. Then he hissed as another pain shot through the lower half of his body.

He had been having Braxton Hicks symptoms all day, and by now he was so ready to have this baby.

Mingi laughed and kissed the top of Seonghwa's head. "I know you do. Maybe next year."

Seonghwa sighed, but then looked up and smiled when he saw the jingle bell Santa hat on Mingi's head. His husband winked at him before turning the Christmas music up a little.

It was Christmas Eve, and they had intentionally not planned anything for this year because their due date was December 28th, but when did babies ever come when they were actually planned?

Mingi couldn't wait to be a father. They had just celebrated their third anniversary and he knew they were both ready. But they had agreed to take things slow and make sure they were truly ready.

When Mingi had received his promotion at work, that's when they decided to start trying to get pregnant. It had taken them a few months and several worried tears, but it had finally happened.

The couple sat in a peaceful silence, enjoying the Christmas music and each other's company.

Then Seonghwa jolted as a worse pain shot through him. He cried out and bent over.

"Ok babe, just breath through it." Mingi moved to kneel in front of Seonghwa and take his hands.

"Mingi, this one hurts real bad." Seonghwa whimpered, still rubbing his stomach as if that would fix everything.

"Alright love, let's get up and walk around." Mingi stood and grabbed Seonghwa's elbows and pull him from the chair.

As soon as he stood, Seonghwa froze when he felt a pop and his legs were suddenly soaked.

Both he and Mingi looked at each other with wide eyes as they tried to process what just happen.

"Did-" Mingi started.



"Baby is-"

"What do we-"

"Get the... Aaah!" Seonghwa hiss as another contraction came, harder than the last one. "H-Hurry!"

Mingi ran to their room and grabbed the bags that had already been packed and a new pair of pants for Seonghwa. His hat jingled the entire time as he scurried around.

Seonghwa changed in the living room and started rocking his hips back and forth as Mingi cleaned up the room a little.

Then they slowly made their way to the car. Mingi fussed over every move that Seonghwa made, helping him every inch of the way and into the back seat of the car so he could stretch out a little if needed.

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