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I must confess I don't have it rough, not anymore at least. My life is pretty great in fact. Though I don't feel happy. My heart sinks every time I think of spider man or the planets or even amusement parks. It's pretty silly for me to let other people ruin these things.

I don't have it rough, but it doesn't make my problems any less harsh. I still feel like shit for the tiniest things because everything must be perfect. That why I don't notice red flags. As long as we look happy everything is fine, right?

Though the bruises aren't physical, my mind and heart ache. I let you treat me badly because you disguised yourself as a knight whom I thought I could trust. Soon I realize that I am a princess who is gorgeous and kind. I don't need you to be happy.

I thought we were a dream but that dream was a nightmare.

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