Rest In Pepperoni's-At the Movies..

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Kameko:Hurry up Cat!

Cat:I'm hurrying wait up

Mari:What Movie are we seeing you guys?

Mari quickly hurried with the rest of the group while Rin was behind her being carried on Shun's back with a hash brown in their hand.

Rin:Shun is the perfect tall boi uber!

Shun:Heh,You're lucky I'm nice.

A huge smirk was present on Rins face and it made Shun smirk too.

Aiko and Trunks were both ahead.

Aiko was on her phone taking cute selfies and Trunks kept looking at memes on his phone while he walking and soon bumped into Shun and Rin. Shun maintained his balance unlike Rin "OUCH YOU SHITHEAD!"

Rin said.As his body was about to plunge to the rough concrete street floor.However he was then caught by Cat who was holding Rin in a bridal style.

Kameko pulled out her phone and begin snapping pictures to post on instagram.

Cat gave Rin a Hopeful smile while Rin glared."Lover..." Cat winked at Rin.

"NO!" So a punch was swiftly heard as Rin was dropped onto the ground gently.

Trunks put down his phone "Cat.You do realize Both Kayla and I have a recording of you saying "Lover" to Rin."

Trunks and Kameko then both smirked brightly at eachother while Cat shook in fear and Rin rolled his eyes.

Mari:Yay We're Finally Here!

Aiko:What Movie Are We Watching?

Cat:I think its called "Extreme Dreams" Don't know what its about though.

Cat bought the tickets and the group headed into the theater.

Kameko and Aiko sat next to Mari while she was in the middle and Trunks sat next to Aiko.

Rin was in the middle of both Cat and Shun.

Cat pulled out a small bag of popcorn and silently ate it.


And then Mari pulled out a huge back of popcorn out of no where and Cat was



Erupting from her bag was a human size bag of popcorn that nobody knew how she snuck in..

Mari and Cat both sulked while the smirking Kameko was laughing to herself

The movie had not started yet so Trunks pressed the button and 2 familiar waiters came out.






Everyone looked at Mari with a look of confusion."I wanted to be apart of the name of ya'll name session jeez!"Mari giggled and went back to eating her popcorn.

Kameko:I didn't know you and Akio worked here Mika!

Akio:Well you know now.

Aiko looked up at Akio with a soft smile and hugged him."Mama Akio!" She was then patted on the head by him earning a sly smirk.

Mika:So what do you guys wanna order?

Akio took out his notebook and went to where Cat,Rin and Shun were sitting while Mika went to where Kameko,Mari,Aiko and Trunks were

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