Rest in Pepperoni's-At The Mall!

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Shun was tip toeing out of the gangs house when he was soon spotted by Kameko.

Kameko:Where are you going?

Shun:Uh Just to get some fresh air.


Baffled,Kameko looked in Shuns hand and saw a coupon for Game Shop. Quickly and without hesitation she grabbed the coupon and studied it.

Shun:What the fuck,Give that back!

She giggled at herself while Shun just looked at her like she was crazy (which she is).

At the top of her lungs she shouted "SHUNS GOING TO THE MALL!"

The rest of the group hurried down the steps already fully dressed and ready to go.

Rin:Hot topic Here I come!

Cat mumbled "edgy" under her breath and then received a kick from Rin.


Rin:That's what you get Shithead..

Aiko:I heard there was a sale at Cole's,My Closet looking kinda empty anyway.

Trunks:I'm dying for some chicken nuggets at the food court.

Mari:I'm probably gonna get some pizza from there hehe.

Rin:Besides Hot topic I would also like to go to the art store to pick up some more supplies.

Cat:I need to go to bath and body works to get a new rubber ducky.s

Kameko grabbed the keys and winked at the glaring Shun.

"Lets head out my lovelies!"

(At the Mall)

Mari:Should We all Split up?


Aiko:Can I come too?


Kameko:Lets go ya'll! Remember we all meet up at the food court when we're done!!

Kameko,Aiko and Mari split from the group leaving the rest to pick their partners.

Trunks:Wanna be Partners Shun?

Shun:I guess.Lets head to Game shop first so I could cash in my coupon.

Trunks and Shun headed to game shop leaving both Cat and Rin alone together.

Cat gave Rin a Sly smirk while Rin just tugged her hand towards hot topic.


Kimiko:Welcome to Cole's How may I hel-KAMEKO!!


They hugged tightly before letting go.Mari and Aiko stood there awkwardly waiting for Kameko.

Aiko saw a pink ruffle skirt that instantly caught her attention.She also saw a black and white shirt

accompanied by the skirt.She went into the dressing rooms and tried the outfit on.

Aiko:How does this look?

She started doing little poses in the outfit and Mari clapped.

Mari:You look Cute!


Aiko stopped her poses once she noticed Kameko grab one a light blue frilly dress and go into

the dressing room. Kameko gave Mari a sexy pose along with a nyah.

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