School Life.

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School Life.

Cat walked into the school.After her long thanksgiving break She had a mountain of homework to do that she had procrastinated for.

Kameko:Hiya Cat!

She gave her a tight hug and then began to whisper in her ear.

"If you see that fucking bitch Mrs Parker Tell Her I was sick today!" A fake cough is heard out of her mouth as Cat sighed.

Mari:Good morning you both!

Funny enough she also had a piece of toast in her mouth.

Cat:Sup Mari!

Kameko jumped on Mari making them both tumble to the ground.

Mari:Ouch That hurt my butt!

Kameko;I could kiss the boo boos away if you want?

Cat:Calm down Deprived Bi Sexual!

Kameko hissed at Cats comment and continued nuzzling up to Mari.


Kameko:It has been so long since I've seen you!

She then dug her face into her neck.

Cat:We live together though Kameko.


Rin was on Shuns back again while Trunks walked along side them.

Trunks:Hey guys!

Rin:I'm taller then ya'll peasants!



Shun:Sorry we're late I overslept.

Rin:I had to wake this bean pole up

Shun:Because you overslept too dumbass!

Trunks:I overslept because I wanted to sleep more..But I was awoken which annoys me.

Cat:Wait Where is Aiko?

Trunks:She could have turned invisible...Aiko! AIKO!

Shun:What the fuck are you on about?


Kameko:Who cares where she is.That bitch tried to steal My Mari!


Rin sips his jasmine tea.

Cat:I'm gonna go look for her!

Kameko:I'll be in class!


The rest but Cat headed off to class while Cat searched around for Aiko.

Cat:Aiko! Where are you!

Random Boy:You're so cute,Why don't we date!

The boy kissed Aiko's hand while she just cringed at the touch.

Aiko:Heh,Thanks.I have to get to class now.

She pulled away from him and began walking the other direction until he grabbed her hand again and forcibly turned her towards him.

Boy:I wanna have fun though!

Aiko:No Thanks! Let go Now! Please!

Cat was watching the scene in the bushes and her anger build.She stood up from the bushes and begin to walk towards the two until something surprised her.


Cat stood in shock as Kameko stood between the two with a baseball bat in her hand.

Kameko:I know some fun we could have.

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