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"You'll be fine." Seungmi said looking over at the nervous actress, who was re-cuffing the sleeves of her white button down, and re-tucking it into her black pants.

Yuhi was excited and close to absolutely shitting herself for the table read.

Yuhi simply responded with a tight smile before  taking a sip of her water.

What if she messed up?

What if this drama failed because of her?

What if she embrassed herself in front of her very hot coworkers?

What if she failed so bad that she'd never get cast again?

"Yuhi!" Seungmi yelled, snapping Yuhi out of her trance. Looking out the window, they were already there.

Yuhi cursed slightly under her breath before composing herself.

"Thank you unnie."

"No problem, now go out there and kill it." Seungmi said, squeezing her hand.

Yuhi gathered her things in her bag and stepped out of the car, before entering the building.

She entered the room after a few directions, and greeted some of the staff and the director before finding her name plate, in between her two main co-stars, Hyun-sik and Jisoo.

"Hi Yuhi, fancy seeing you here." Jisoo said as he sat down.

She had met Jisoo multiple times before, so she smiled slightly at him.

"Hi oppa. Haven't seen you in awhile, how have you been?" Yuhi said, starting to unpack her script.

"Pretty good. It's nice to see a familiar face though." Jisoo said.

"Same. I thought i'd be meeting some random actors and have to form a close bond all over again." Yuhi joked.

"Ah and here he is. Yuhi this is Hyunsik." Jisoo said, directing Yuhi's attention to her other co-star who just sat down.

"Nice to meet you Hyunsik sunbaenim." Yuhi said.

Hyunsik smiled slightly, "Nice to meet you Yuhi-ssi."

The rest of the cast filled in and the table read started.

Yuhi had heard a few comments made by the staff, not just because she was an idol, but also due to the fact that Bong-soon wasn't really a character that fit her previous acting jobs.

It irked her quite a bit, but she let it slide.

Eventually they called for a break, and Yuhi took this time to go use the washroom.

As she did her business, she overheard the voices of two of the female staff members.

"I heard she was only picked for her looks. I mean she couldn't have been picked for popularity, seeing as her group has never won anything."

"-Didn't know she was friends with Jisoo-ssi. Bet they're secretly dating otherwise he wouldn't talk to her."

"Probably why she got cast."

"Did you see the looks Hyunsik-ssi was giving her? Poor him, he's just gonna get played. Hope he finally notices me for once."

"Hope this project doesn't flop because of her."

Yuhi calmly waited for them to leave before leaving her stall. Cursing herself for believing them for just a minute.

But to her luck, the perfect revenge came after the table read wrapped up.

As people started filing out, and Yuhi just happened to be standing near to one of those females who were talking shit about her.

"Yuhi-ssi?" Hyunsik asked, approaching her.

"Hello Hyunsik sunbaenim." Yuhi said, smiling slightly.

"Are you busy at the moment?" He asked, looking between Yuhi and the other girl.

Yuhi sneaked a quick glance at the other girl, before responding.

"Not at all. Did you need anything?" Yuhi said polietly.

"I was wondering if I could get your number? If that's okay with you?" Hyunsik asked.

"Sure." Yuhi said turning to the female to her right. "Could I please borrow your pen and paper?"

The female flushed slightly before offering up her notepad and pen.

"Thank you." Yuhi flashed a smile before quickly writing her name and number on the sheet tearing off the page.

"Thanks." Hyunsik said, completly oblivous to the associate with them.

Yuhi smiled before her phone rang.

"Sorry it's my manager, I have to go but i'll see you on Friday." Yuhi said handing the girl back her stuff before exiting the room and making way to Seungmi's car.


"Table read was great and Hyunsik-oppa asked for my number." Yuhi said winking at Seungmi.

Seungmi clapped excitedly, almost a little to excited and proceeded to go on a rant about how cute their babies would be.

Yuhi simply laughed as they drove away.

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