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Yuhi stirred awake, the sun lighting up a room that was not hers.

"Happy Birthday Yuhi." Hyunsik's whispered into her ear.

"Thank you." Yuhi smiled, relaxing even more into Hyunsik's chest.

"It's nearly eleven babe, we should get up." Hyunsik said, kissing the top of her head, slowly loosening his arm that was around Yuhi's waist.

"But you're so comfortable." Yuhi muttered, turning to face her boyfriend, laying her head on his bare chest.

"You promised the guys you'd be back before 1." Hyunsik said, running his fingers through her hair.

"You're no fun." Yuhi said, causing Hyunsik to laugh slightly.

"Come on." Hyunsik said, pulling the blanket off them both.

Yuhi whined.

"You're making this so much more difficult." Hyunsik said, wrapping his arms around Yuhi, before sitting up. Yuhi groaned, before finally properly sitting up. Detaching herself from her boyfriend.

Yuhi ruffled her hair, before getting out of the bed. She winced slightly, her legs sore from last nights activities. Hyunsik laughed slightly, and Yuhi threw a shirt from the floor at him, because she was wearing his from last night
"I'm gonna go take a shower." Yuhi said, gathering some clothes of hers that she kept at Hyunsik's place.

"I'll make us some breakfast." Hyunsik said, pulling the shirt over his head as well as putting on a pair of sweats that were on the floor.


"Have a great birthday babe." Hyunsik said as he pulled up to the building that contained Day6's dorm.

"Thanks." Yuhi said, leaning over slightly to kiss her boyfriend before unbuckling and grabbing her bag.

"Bye!" Yuhi said, waving before dashing into the building.

Minutes later she entered the dorm, and stepped into chaos.

"Yuhi noona! Happy Birthday!" Jae called, waving from the living room.

Yuhi quickly slipped off her shoes, and dropped her bag at the door before joining Jae and Dowoon on the couch.

"How is everyone?" Yuhi asked, as Brian threw her a bottle of cold brew from the fridge that she caught.

"Good good. How was your night?" Jae said wiggling his eyebrows

Yuhi kicked Jae before taking a sip of her drink.

"Screw off Jae." Yuhi however blushed lightly, giving her answer away.

"Ha! You fucked your boyfriend last night."

"I mean why wouldn't I? He's hot af." Yuhi said, smirking before sitting up from the couch. "Dowoon I'm gonna make some ramen, do you want some?"

Dowoon nodded, before going back to his phone.

Yuhi found Brian in the kitchen.

"Sungjin bought some more soju for tonight so we can have a mini birthday party tonight. What do you wanna order for food?" Brian asked in English, not even looking up from his phone.

"Uh, chinese?" Yuhi answered back in English, not giving it much thought.

"Your usual?"


"Happy Birthday Yuhi."



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