Your Names in Each other's Phones

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Tony Stark

Your phone: Daddy Stank 😘💦

Tony's phone: Mrs. Stank 😏❤️

Steve Rodgers
Your Phone: Murica's ass 💯🇺🇸
Steve's phone: Y/n ❤️

Thor Odinson
Your phone: Thor Boar 💗🐗
His phone: My Goddess

Bruce Banner
Your phone: Brucie💚
His phone: Y/Nickname 💞

Clint Barton
Your phone: Legolas💘
His phone: Babe💘

Natasha Romanoff
Your phone: Nat 😍
Natasha's phone: y/n

Pietro Maximoff
Your phone: Speedy Gonzales 😘🏃🏼‍♂️
His phone: любовь 💙 (baby)

Wanda Maximoff
Your phone: Sexy Witch ❤️
Wanda's phone: все до конца❤️( my everything till the end)

Bucky Barnes
Your Phone: Sarge 😊
Bucky's phone: Boss lady

Sam Wilson
Your phone: Sexy falcon
His phone: Sexy y/ln

Loki Odinson
Your phone: My king 👑🥰💚🖤💚
Loki's phone: My queen 👑💕

Peter Parker
Your phone: Dude sitting next to me in calculus 1❤️
Peter's phone: Girl sitting next to me in calculus 1 ❤️
Peters's is literally all of my contacts. I don't even talk to most of them unless it's asking for homework answers. You know you love me
Ruhani Singh

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