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The muscles under the horses coarse pelt moved fluidly, he was silhouetted against the oil torches that lit the street. His horse, once a brilliant tan with a beautiful mane had been traded for a pure black draft stallion with soulless eyes. His hands tensed against the reins of his horse, a few young teens who were out past curfew ran across the path in front of him and looked back at him with wide and fearful looks. The horse snorted as if sneering at them and they ran further into the back paths and alleys of the village, 'easy.' The rider warned. He came to a seedy looking store front and dismounted. Flipping the reins over his stallions head and tying him to a post. He unsheathed his sword, and held it firmly in his gloved hand. He pushed the door open, hot, humid air blew in behind him.

Silence greeted him, battle scarred and grotesque men sat in stools and booths, hideously deformed from activities they had partaken in during the past. Seductive women dressed in minimal clothing passed drinks to the bargoers. All of them looked at him with disappointed looks and grimaces. His lip curled in a snarl as he made a direct line for an occupied barstool. He stood beside the man sitting in it, glaring down with a concealed fire, the man looked up.

'Get off.' The first man commanded, the man occupying the barstool growled lowly, he wasn't moving for anyone. The first man scowled, gripping his shoulder and ripping him off the bar stool, he fell to the ground with a thud and spun to counter the first man, only to have the sharp tip of a sword placed in his throat. 'I implore you, try.' He had ruined his old title and adopted the title of the best swordsman in the kingdom, any man or woman would be an imbecile to try and duel with him, the bar goer knew this and hesitantly backed away with a viscous sneer. He took the bar goers seat.

'Easy, Pretty Boy.' The bartender scowled. The man smoothed out the lapels of his white suit and scowled back, feeling somewhat insecure.

'Get me a mead and make it snappy, my patience is thin enough as is.' He bit, not wanting to engage with the bartender in mundane small talk.

Arms enveloped him from behind and hands stroked his chest, toying at the buttons on his suit jacket. 'You seemed stressed your majesty, perhaps I can take you to the back rooms and help you out?' A voice purred. He pulled the hands away from his chest.

'Find someone else you harlot.' He growled, 'I'm here on business.' He heard the girl hum in acknowledgement and disappear into the darkness, the bartender passed him his drink, he downed it in less than a minute, then looked at the bartender, 'Is Ake in.' He said, more as a demand rather than a question.

'He will be shortly.' The bartender answered, 'I'm surprised your majesty, not many people turn down Thyre. Especially when she seeks them out without prompting.'

'I'm busy.'

Just then the door opened, bringing in another hot draft. He looked at the door and saw exactly who he was waiting for. 'Hans! My old friend!' Ake exclaimed, breaking the silence of the tavern. Ake made his way over to Hans and took a seat next to him. 'Get me an Ale barkeep, and another mead for my good friend.' Ake snapped his fingers and smirked broadly.

'I'm not staying Ake. Just get to the point, why did you ask me here?'

'God, all work and no play with you, just like always.' The bartender passed the two men their drinks and went back to washing mugs. 'Have I got some news for you old boy, I heard on the wind that there's a power rising in the north. Up near Arendelle.' The last word completely caught Hans' attention.

'Alright Ake, what's the news?' Hans asked, facing Ake full on.

'Ah ah ah,' Ake held up his hand. 'You want the news, it's going to cost you.' Of course, Hans thought. Ake was a traveller with many, many connections, but he was also a crook and a businessman, he would give people news in exchange for goods, money, herbs... whatever he wanted he would ask for it. Hans thought quickly, he didn't carry coins or any legal tender. But he always had tradeable goods. His old horse Sitron had been traded to Ake a few years ago in return for some very important information. Hans wasn't willing to give up his current horse, Equador. The black draft was a powerful steed and was paying himself off through Hans' extensive siring of him. Hans looked down at his gloved hands and spotted his ring. He slid it off his finger and held it in Ake's sight.

'Platinum band with an Alexandrite crystal, comes from the south. Very expensive and worth a lot. It would be the crowning jewel to your collection.' Hans coaxed, Ake reached for it just as Hans pulled it away. 'Tell me what you know.'

'I'm offended Hans, don't you trust me?' Ake asked innocently, Hans glared at him, unimpressed.

'Clever man.' Ake begrudgingly muttered. 'I'm not sure if you know this, but your old flame is now the ruling Queen Of Arendelle.' He began.

'Anna? What happened to her sister, is she dead?' He asked, trying to stifle the glee that seeped through his voice.

'No. Have you heard of a place called Ahtohallan?' Ake asked.

'That old folk tale? The river where all the answers to the future are?' Hans deadpanned.

'Well... not technically... it holds the memories of the past...' Ake corrected quietly. 'It's said to be protected by four spirits. Earth, Fire, Water and Air, yes?'

'Right why does that matter and how is it connected to Arendelle?' Hans nursed his mead quietly, looking at Ake.

'Well, I did some searching, asked some questions, got some answers. The reason Miss Anna is now Queen Of Arendelle is because Miss Elsa has disappeared to an enchanted forest that is said to be guarding Ahtohallan.' Ake continued and took a gulp of ale. Hans put down his empty mug.

'I'm listening.' Hans reminded.

'Think about this Hans,' Ake began, placing a hand on his shoulder. 'The power of all the elements, and you can control it.'

'What do I have to do?'

'Well, I'm no expert but maybe all you have to do is reconcile with Arendelle. Greet Anna and her husband as the King and Queen, gain their trust then kill Elsa.' Hans turned to face the counter, gloved fingers tapping on the wood.

'Not that I don't agree, but why would I need to kill Elsa?' He asked.

'If my sources are to be trusted, Elsa's like a key to these powers. As long as she's alive, the powers are too strong to harness. The elements are strengthened by her influence and she can access all of the secrets of Ahtohallan.' Ake explained, 'the only issue is, if what I've heard is true, Elsa is more powerful now. Setting off an eternal winter for what, less than a week? Is nothing compared to what she's capable of now. But that shouldn't be too difficult to deal with, those who know about Elsa's magic are scared of it. All you need to do is rally them and they'll follow you into battle against her.'

'I assume you know that from your travels?' Hans queried.

'Of course, fear is the most powerful weapon, with it, you can control the world. That's all I know.' Ake purred, holding his hand out for the ring.

'Right, of course, thank you for the information.' He went to pass the ring to Ake, then pulled back and smirked, chucking it behind him. Ake darted for it and tripped over Hans' outstretched leg, Hans smirked again, gripping his sword and pointing it at Ake. 'You never learn.' He stepped over him and picked up his ring with a chuckle.

Ake braced himself on his forearm and glared, 'one of these days, Hans.' He warned emptily. Hans headed for the door, Ake would be back, he always came back even though Hans was unreliable with his trades at best. Hans mulled over the information he had received silently and looked up at the stars, a viscous smile stretched over his lips.

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