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The shutters on the open window gently swayed in the soft night breeze. The moonlight kissed Elsa's cheeks, bathing her in a silver light where she sat on the ground. She stared north, her ears straining to pick up on the sounds that travelled down from the forest. But they were so faint and faraway that she couldn't determine them. Her hands rested on the opposite arms, cocooning her, her palms chilling the skin underneath. She couldn't sleep, she had become too accustomed to the gentle breaths of the Northuldra people and the rumble of the earth as the giants patrolled the forest at night.

She couldn't hear or feel either of those things down in Arendelle which caused a certain unease to rest in the pit of her stomach. She brought her knees to her chest and rested her chin on the peaks, staring sleepily towards the cliffs with her eyes fluttering between open and closed. That was until she heard her door knob rattling and the door itself creak open she became alert and looked at the door as it was pushed open fully, relaxing when she saw the culprit. 'Hi Olaf.'

The snowman waddled in with a wide smile. 'Hi Elsa. Mind if I stay?' He asked. She nodded and got up to close the door behind him, returning to her spot on the ground. 'Why aren't you on the bed?' Olaf asked, she shrugged. She didn't really have an explanation, she just found the feather filled bed somewhat uncomfortable. Olaf shrugged back and joined her on the floor, as he got closer the patterns on Elsa's skin reappeared and casted a soft glow into the darkened room. Olaf's eyes widened in wonder. 'You're glowing! Ahh, that's so pretty.' He pointed out, full of glee. Elsa laughed, pulling the snowman into her lap, which caused the patterns to shine brighter and make Olaf glow in return. 'Now I'm glowing!'

'Mhm, you are. This has been happening for a few weeks.' She explained.

'So pretty.' He warbled delicately, she chuckled and began to hum her mothers lullaby as Olaf nestled into her chest. She continued to hum and returned her attention back to the window, rocking gently in tune with the song.

'Where the north wind meets the sea, there's a mother full of memory, come, my darling, homeward bound, when all is lost, then all is found.' She finished the last verse audibly, and realised the snowman had drifted into sleep. She gently pushed her back against the end of the bed, being careful not to disturb him, she draped an arm over him and the other fell to her side as she tuned into his breathing and closed her eyes.


After she had fallen asleep, morning came quickly and she was bright eyed as the sun began to crawl to its peak. Olaf had curled into her side during the night and she delicately picked him up and placed him on the bed. It had only just broken dawn, she guessed not many people would be awake by now. A breeze blew in from the open window, it was moist and humid, she shook it off, not liking the clammy feeling, as quickly as it came it was gone. Which ignited her mind as she ran to the window where it had disappeared out of. 'Gale?' She asked the open air and was answered by the wind spirit dancing around her before leaving the room. Something was wrong. Dread began to swirl in the pit of her stomach, she lifted herself onto her windowsill, moving and weaving over the pane and lifting herself out of the room, onto the roof- she knew the trick because she used to do it as a child, she may not have ever left the kingdom, but when her isolation became too heavy and the room became suffocating it was an easy way to escape.. The wind spirit- ever persistent, bustled her and tugged at her loose hair. 'Gale what is it?' She asked them.

With a powerful thrust, the wind spirit unbalanced her and she fell over the edge of the roof. Time came to a terrifying halt as she fell backwards, only to be restabled as Gale turned her over and twisted her so that she landed painlessly on her feet. Elsa braced herself on the ground with her hands and knees, waiting for her heart to slow its beat, she massaged the ground, feeling the grass and soil under the pads of her fingers. There was a pressure against her palms and a tugging in her gut that crawled up her throat, winding her as she tried to catch her breath. Gale was erratic and untameable beside her, swirling and spinning in a small cyclone. Without another thought she bared her palm and shot her magic into the eye of the cyclone. Droplets glowed as her magic hit them and began to form shapes and figures, Gale seemingly wanted this to happen and as such, slowed their wild vortex into a gentle breeze that danced across Elsa's arms, teased her hair and fluttered her dress.

Upon determining that her heart was beating its normal pace and her muscles were in functioning order, she got to her feet and looked at the memories that had been immortalised in her ice. It was two men shaking hands as if they had just made a deal. Elsa stepped over to them and scanned the figures, there were no definitive features or anything. She couldn't tell who the men were, their faces were simply blank slates of snow. Gale shimmied against her, before climbing higher and higher till they disappeared into the open sky. Elsa was stiff and unmoving, she waited for Ahtohallan's call, sensing it was coming. But it never did. Ahtohallan was silent.

Elsa looked down in thought. Straining her ears, then sighing. Nothing.


I'm back, miss me? I haven't been able to access this account for a while and now have to balance it between this account and my others (by the way check out ThatOneWiccan for original stories!) I'll try and come into this account as often as I can. But I'm not making any promises!

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