Dear Santa

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Christmas Chronicles
Also Kate is 15 and Kyle is almost 16
Kate's POV

I just got out of school and I can't wait to tell mom about my day. I just got out of school for Christmas Break. It's the 21st. Everything is perfect.

I opened the door and went straight to the kitchen. I knew mom would be in there, she's been cheering me up since Teddy left for college.

I walked through the door and mom was at the table. Probably fell asleep. I went over to wake her up and I noticed she was really pale. I started to worry, what if she's hurt.

I bent down to check her pulse. It was there. But faint. I started freaking out and I remembered that we had an extra phone. As I searched for it I started to cry.

I found the phone and dialed 9-1-1.

"911, what is your emergency." The person asked.
"I just got home from school and I found my mom half dead in the kitchen. She has a pulse but it's faint." I said quickly.
"Where do you live sweetie?" She asked.
"*whatever her address is*" I replied.
"Okay we'll send someone right over."

I hung up the phone and broke down crying on the floor. A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. I got up and ran to go get it. I opened the door and saw the paramedics.

"She's in here." I said. I led him to the kitchen and he went over to mom. After a minute he spoke. "I'm sorry. Your mom is gone."

I nodded and started crying again. They took mom and left.

The Next Day

There was a knock at the door so I went to get it. As soon as I opened the door a tiny thing ran in and hugged my leg.

"Lars!!" I laughed. I looked up and saw Santa. I smiled and invited him in. We sat down in the living room and talked for a while.

"Kate, I need you to make a decision. There is someone coming here to take you to an Orphanage. Do you want to live there or with me and Mrs. Claus." He said.

"Of course I want to live with you. But will I be able to still go to school here?" I asked. "Of course. But you'll need a house key." He handed me a hat just like his.

"It will teleport you to the North Pole." He explained. "Okay, I'll go pack." I said. "No need. Your stuff is already there." He said. I smiled at him in thanks.

I put on the hat and closed my eyes. When I opened them I was standing in front of the fireplace.

I just then noticed that Lars was still on my leg. I bent down and pulled him off. I giggled when I noticed he was asleep. I just then noticed the woman in front of me.

"Hi, I'm Kate." I said. "I'm Carol. I am happy that you're here, and I'm so excited to get to know you." She said with a smile. "Thanks. Same here." I said returning the smile.

Just then Hugs ran in yelling in elvish. Her bell hat jingling. "Oh my god girl! We have so much to catch up on!!!" She yelled. She grabbed my hand and pulled me away. She pushed me into a bedroom. "This is your bedroom. Do you like it?" She asked. Without letting me respond she spoke again.

"Good. Are there any boys?" She asked. "Yes. One, his name's Kyle and he's so cute and just so happens to be my hot best friend." I replied. "Oh my god!!! Do you have a picture?" She shrieked.

I nodded. I opened my phone and went to the Photos app. I opened a picture of Kyle kissing my cheek.


I was going to the beach with my brother and my best friend, Kyle. We parked and got out. I picked a spot in the sand and set my stuff down. I took off my pullover revealing my bikini and 4-pack abs. It's pretty impressive for my age.

I looked over in time to see Kyle pull off his shirt. I just then realized how glorious he was. He had a well tanned 6-pack. He looked like he had been on the beach for a day, but was immune to sunburn.

His beautiful face was chiseled like a statue. His amazing jawline, his mesmerizing eyes. He was buff but not so much that it was disgusting. In short, he was the thing that made my pussy leak.

I walked over to him and he started talking. "We should take a picture every time we do something together for the rest of the year so we have something to remember what we've done together." He said. "I like it. We should take one now." I suggested.

He smiled and pulled out his phone. He wrapped around me and I wrapped one around him. We were very close and right as he snapped the picture he bent down and kissed my cheek.

Flashback over

As I told Hugs how it happened she began squealing until finally she ran out screaming...'I SHIP IT!!!!!!!!!'

Then I realized something.


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