Chapter 27: Panic Mode

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After a peaceful rest of the ride they finally got close to the large radio station, from a block away they knew they were close as screaming fans could be heard.

The closer they got to their destination the louder and more crazy the fans became. Driving over they saw a few stranglers here and there taking videos and pictures of the car, it was times like this they were thankful for the tinted windows.

As the crowds got louder, the couple looked at each other worrily. As they looked back they saw their poor baby hiding behind her blanket using Mr. Tuffles to check out every now and then if the noise was gone.

"Are you ok cutie?" Lain asked worried that this was already starting their day on the wrong end of the stick.

But Kaila didn't even acknowledge Lain's question, her mind was solely focused on one thing. 'Why is it so loud?!'

The noise level was unbearable as they finally made it to the main station where hundred of people were gathered outside. Guards and officers stood allowing them to safely drive in, and as Mallix and Lain waved to a few people close enough to see inside the car, the couple were more worried about rushing to get Kaila inside.

As the gate to the private parking lot closed they both sighed as the loud cheers were dimmed down only slightly.

"Baby..." Mallix parked the car and turned around in his seat seeing a shaking blanket covering his baby. "It's alright Kaila, you can come out now." He assured her.

Slowly she peaked Mr. Tuffy's head out first turning the circle of fluff covered in fur from side to side. After pulling it back in and hearing some mumbles she peaked her head out looking around for herself.

"See all better." Lain smiled at her. "Come on cutie, lets get you inside where you can stretch your legs and play."

As the couple stepped out of the car, Mallix went to the trunk to gather Lain and his's briefcase for the day as his wife went to get the small girl out of her car seat.

But that was proving to be more difficult when Kaila protested on getting out of the car since she was still in her pajamas that had monkey prints all over it.

"Stop Kaila, you look adorable nobodies going to say anything." Lain's tried you help her relax but Kaila was still blushing profusely not wanting to be embarrassed.

Lain sighed when she shook her head holding Mr. Tuffy to her face breathing in his calming scent. "What if I wrap you up like a burrito in your blankie? Then I can carry you in and nobody would even notice your clothes. Plus I brought you a set of day clothes, but I'll put that on you once we have more space that this," she chuckled gesturing to the tight space of the car.

After she found out she would be able to get in without anyone seeing her this way Kaila nodded allowing Lain to unbuckle her and wrap her tightly into her blanket then setting her on her hip. Before she shut the door Lain handed Kaila Mr. Tuffy and that girl hanged onto him for dear life.

Mallix locked the doors as they walked through the side entrance to the building, while there were windows, they were one sided. They could see out at all the cheering fans, while they were hidden from sight.

Inside they passed by hundreds of workers. But as they made their way to the main lobby, Mallix caught sight of his brother waiting for them.

Before he could even say anything to Lain, he was already making his way over to them.

"Mallix...Lain...Ka-Car-Carlia?" He said scratching the top of his head.

"Kaila, James, her name is Kaila." Mallix corrected unemotionally.

"Noted, so...h-how was the drive?" James snapped his fingers at him. There was a long pause of silence between the three of them. Kaila was just laying her head down on Lain's shoulder relaxing as she continued playing around with her new stuffed friend.

James cleated his throat, "ok so small talk ain't your guys thing. So buisness..." he clapped his hands together too loudly that it startled the small girl in Lain's arm. As James went to talk again, Lain began swaying side to side while bouncing the small girl to help calm her down.

"Ever since, well..." he gestured towards Kaila, "your guy's stats have gone down. You need to stay in the public's eye while your building, it's the only way your going to promote your brands. Once you've got yourselves situated as designer and author then you can disappear for a while. But that's not now, right now you guys are new. And new means poor business revenue. This interview is going to be aired all over the nation, which let me tell you guys wasn't easy to book last minute. You should be thanking me."

Both Lain and Mallix just stared coldly at James. "Come on, don't you want your business to succeed? This is the first step."

As much as they hated him being right, he was. They've worked for years slowly building a name for themselves, and they didn't want all that hard work going to waste.

But now they had something special in their lives they hadn't had before, their small girl. Mallix sighed heavily, "we got it James, thank you for this, we just wish it were under different circumstances."

"I know I'm sorry, but a chance like this doesn't come everyday Mallix. Let alone to newcomers like us. I had to take it." James defended.

As they talked more on business more and more people entered the lobby and Kaila couldn't help but notice a few strangling eyes. At first it wasn't bothering her so much thanks to Mr. Tuffy keeping her occupied, but as it became more frequent she couldn't help but feel nervous.

She turned her head to hide into Lain's neck as she whispered, "there staring" her voice was shaky and from how anxious she sounded, Lain could hear her holding back fear tears.

Lain put her hand on her baby's head keeping it safe in the crook of her neck, letting Lain's sweet perfume help calm her down.

"Hey, James do we have somewhere private we could be instead of out here in the lobby?" She asked as he was mid sentence about something going on with the interview.

"Oh yeah, follow me." He led them down to the casting floor where rows of dressing rooms lined a long corridor. "This one is for you." He stopped unlocking the door.

Quickly stepping inside, there was a large couch in front of a monitor that showed live feed from the station cover half the room. Running along the one wall was an assortment of snacks for them to eat. And along another wall was a large mirror with basic hair and makeup supplies stationed on a long vanity.

Lain made her way to the couch laying Kaila down on it. But that only made the small girl cry as one of her sources of comfort now left her. She felt trapped underneath the blanket and she had dropped Mr. Tuffy as Lain put her down.

Water was streaming out of the girls eyes and she was blinded to the outside world.

Before she knew it a familiar scent grew closer and the trap she was in disappeared. Lain had pulled Kaila up onto her lap, cradling her back before putting a bottle up to the small girls mouth.

She eagerly began sucking away wanting desperately to feel comfort at a time like this. Her anxiety was building up and she was about to have a panic attack.
Let me know what you think. Thanks Lexx signing off

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