Chapter 55: Photo Shoot

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After trying on more dresses and outfits than she could count Kaila was finally done twirling around for the thousandth time today admiring yet another one of Nina's works.

"How about we put you to work?" Nina grabbed a camera from her desk smiling widely at Kaila who looked at her.

"Would you like to model these for me now? I'll even put your picture in the main area so everyone can see how beautiful you look."

Kaila jumped at the opportunity and took Nina's hand as she led the girl to a small studio located next to the boutique with racks of clothes.

"Can I wear that one first?!" Kaila pointed excitedly at a short white romper with little pink and purple flowers along the bottom of the material.

"Of course you can, here we go, hands up" Nina made fast work of changing the small girl. After helping her change from outfit to outfit for over three hours, it was safe to say she knew how to do it quickly.

"Alright go stand in the middle of the set," Nina gestured for her to stand in the middle of a small area with a clean warm summer color behind her and lights placed in the most effective positions.

Snap after snap, Nina finished Kaila's shoot with that outfit as she danced around playing with the different poses.

"Ok which one next?" She asked looking through the rack while Kaila's head appeared from the other side sticking out of the clothes. Nina laughed at her grabbing the jumpsuit she put her nose on.

"Arms up!" Kaila shouted happily throwing them in the air beating Nina to it.

"I've been doing this for way too long with you," both of them broke out into an even bigger fit of laughter.

Twenty outfit changes later and over five hundred photos they finally decided to call their photo shoot over. Back in her normal clothes Kaila was sat on top of Nina's lap in her office as they scrolled through all the pictures picking the nicest ones out of the bunch.

"Don't you look so happy twirling around in that one," Nina pointed making Kaila blush for the uncountable number today.

"Can I have that one?" Kaila asked pointing towards a picture of her in a bright yellow dress with a flower in her hair as she blew the camera a kiss.

"Sure, I don't see why not. Are you going to give it to someone special?" Nina egged on nudging the small girls shoulder.

She nodded her head while she waited patiently for Nina to print out two copies of the picture. As she showed them off to Kaila, her small hands reached out for them as Nina pulled them away. "How about we keep these on the shelf so they don't get all dirty or ruined for mommy and daddy, hm, I'm sure they would love for it to be nice and neat when you give it to them."

Kaila's mouth hung open thinking Nina just read her mind, "how you know it was for mommy and daddy?" She asked in awe at the power the dark skinned beauty held over her.

Nina just broke into yet again another set of laughter only this time she pushed so hard that tears began to fall from her eyes.

"What so funny?" Kaila looked at her confused.

"Nothing darling, what shall we go and do now?" Nina calmed herself grabbing a tissue and cleaning away her tears and checking on her makeup.

Kaila sat still at her desk pondering the different activities the two of them could do together. Just as she was about to open her mouth one of Nina's employees walked in knocking on the office door.

"Ms. Wasklin, there's a man on the phone asking if he can speak with you about a partnership he wanted to ask you about."

Kaila stared at the woman with narrows eyes as if she had just told her the worst news of her life. "Alright well I have to go and take that call, how about you stay in here and look through my sketchbooks. Or you can even draw if you'd want. This shouldn't take me too long." Nina set a pile of notebooks in front of Kaila. Some filled with designs and others empty.

After placing a box of crayons in front of Kaila, Nina turned her back towards the girl facing her employee ignoring the whining coming from the small girl crossing her arms.

"Stupid call ruin all the fun" she huffed out, Nina began to walk out before stopping in her tracks and snapping her body back towards Kaila who now was readying herself to swipe everything off the desk.

She marched back kneeling down to look at Kaila, "You know I want to have fun with you today, but this is an important call. Now you can be a good girl and look at these books or draw in them, and I'll be back before you know it." Nina spoke sweetly not wanting anything her to do anything rash.

But the small talk did the exact opposite, Nina's calming nature and soft tone only filled Kaila's eyes with rage. She didn't want someone to take Nina's attention off of her. This was suppose to be their day and now she has to go.

Nina stood up and only made it a few feet away before Kaila screamed swiping her hand clean across the table knocking everything over in its path. The office was slightly disorganized to begin with but now it was a mess.

"Kaila!" Nina shouted angry but mainly from shock. She turned to her employee, "take his name and number and tell him I will call him back. Right now I have to deal with someone" she was nearly grinding her teeth.

Quickly her employee ran off and Nina took a deep breathe before stepping over to the small girl who was already crying hysterically.

"Kaila, clean up your mess now. All I asked you to do was give me a few minutes to handle something while you relaxed on your own. I was going to do what your mommy did and make you a special outfit, but I don't know if you deserve on at this point."

The disappointment rang through Kaila's ears and she whined louder hearing she wouldn't be getting a custom made gift again.

Instead of moving to fix her office, Kaila sat with her knees to her chest crying into her hands. "I am trying to be nice Kaila, start cleaning this mess before I put you in a timeout." Nina always had herself a calm and playful attitude, but that all changed. A new person came out of her, one that looked scarily serious and spoke with authority.

Being angry at the small girl wasn't helping her case as she turned around and was ready to start knocking off more items to the floor. Her hand went flying down towards a picture frame, but before she could slam her hand into it Nina caught her mid air.

"Corner, now!" She didn't yell only raised her voice and the command sent Kaila flying off into the corner of the room bawling her eyes out.

Nina ignored the crying girl as much as she could while she left to give her time alone to handle her business call.
Let me know what you think. Thanks Lexx signing off

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