Chapter 77: To The Studio

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"We're home!" Nina announced to the house as soon as she opened the door and let Kaila run inside with her new dress in hand.

It wasn't long before Lain and Mallix came downstairs greeting them after their long day. "Hey baby!" Mallix opened his arms as Kaila ran right into them allowing him to lift her up off the ground and onto his hip.

"How was she?" Lain's asked Nina in the kitchen as she was cleaning their dishes from their picnic earlier.

"She was great L, even made a few new friends. I took their numbers so I could give it to you to set up play dates and what not." Nina smiled putting the empty wooden basket to the side and gave Lain both John and Hellen's number.

"And the dress?" Lain raised her eyebrow and crossing her arms as she caught a glimpse of Kaila and Mallix in the living room trying the new flowing dress on.

"I said she was good, so you know, we may have stopped by the boutique to get her a little present." She laughed seeing Kaila twirling round and round until she fell on her bottom in the open space.

"You definitely spoil her way more than us." Lain laughed hugging her friend.

"At this rate I won't deny it, at least she'll know who she can turn to for things." Nina pulled out of the hug and grabbed Lain's hand leader her to the second floor making sure the baby gates to the floors were shut behind them.

"So what happened with Alex?" Nina sat down on Mallix's office table while Lain sat in his chair.

"He said we have our new hearing in a few day's, and with the evidence you got from the Michaels confessing their behavior and motive for everything that's happened, we are guaranteed to win." It had been a while since Nina saw Lain have such an easy going smile. One that didn't try to hide her pain and worry, but one that was genuinely made of pure joy and happiness.

"Thanks N" Lain got up and wrapped her arms around her tall friends body pulling her in closely.  "We owe you big time. This has saved us so much trouble!"

Nina couldn't help but smile and feel completed. "Just let me keep spoiling Kaila and I'd say we can call it even."

The two women laughed in one another's embrace. The sweet filled air around them was radiant and the entire house seemed to gleam with light.

They spent the rest of the night watching movies, binge eating ice cream, and cleaning up the endless mess of toys. Today was a day to remember.

After hearing the song filled chirping of the morning birds, Kaila woke up sandwiched between Lain and Mallix on their bed. She couldn't recall going to bed here but it didn't matter to her. She just curled up into their warm holds.

That was until Mallix's phone began to ring countless number of times before the groggy man decided to answer it. Without looking at the caller ID he picked up putting the phone to his ear.

M: Hello...

His voice was filled with annoyance not wanting to be bothered this morning.

J: Where are you?! I thought I told you to be in the studio today?! You and Lain have meetings to attend and sponsors visiting!

Mallix shot up hitting Kaila slightly in the arm in the process, she whined but after he turned to her with sorrow eyes she nodded in forgiveness clinging to Lain's side.

M: I thought that wasn't for a few more days!

He half shouted not wanting to frighten Kaila besides him.

J: Well it's not, it's today! Now get over here before our reputations drop even further!

Before Mallix could even get another word out the line cut and all that filled his ears was the crackling static of the dead line.

He withheld his anger of wanting to throw his phone, and instead settled with slamming it down on the bed.

He quickly got up and out of the room leaving Kaila's sight. She couldn't tell where he was going but as soon as he returned he was red as an apple with Nina not too far behind him.

"Come on darling, how about you and I go get ready for the day." Nina reached over Lain's still sleeping body and lifted Kaila.

She pouted upon being taken from her warm spot in the bed but Nina was quick to silence her as she walked out of the room with her.

"Babe wake up!" Was the last thing Kaila heard before their bedroom door shut and she was taken away into her nursery with Nina.

"Go on and pick what you'd like to wear," she opened the closet filled to the brim of custom made designer clothes.

Out of all the possible options Kaila settled for her newly gifted sunflower dress from Nina's boutique. After washing up and getting dressed Nina instructed Kaila to pack a few toys into a small bag.

Meanwhile the trio of friends were having a small meeting in the hallway. Curiously Kaila peeked her head out the play room door and listened in for as long as she could. Which wasn't long considering they were all discussing the logistics of work and the details of meetings. She returned back into the room debating what to bring with her.

"Alright let's go, we can have breakfast at the studio." Mallix announced once he helped Kaila finish packing her toys. Downstairs Kaila finally realized how professional Lain, Mallix, and Nina looked.

They each wore their own style of suits, Mallix had a black leather bag dangling down from his arms, Lain held at least five different large sketchbooks in her hand and many more in her purse, while Nina had a large bag filled with more items for Kaila.

Swiftly they packed into the car and Mallix stepped on the gas, speeding the entire way to the studio. As soon as they pulled up they were greeted by James looking irritated at the front doors.

"Take Kaila inside, I'll deal with him." Mallix announced to Lain and Nina while he grabbed his briefcase again and headed out to deal with his brother.

The two women helped Kaila out of her seat and grab all the bags before slipping into the building without any interruptions thanks to Mallix.

The building had many floors each filled with people all in professional wear. The woman at the front desk looked up from her computer and greeted Lain.

"Welcome back Mrs. Colden, it's been a while. You have your mail in your office and your eleven o'clock meeting has been pushed to twelve today as requested by Mr. Colden."

"Thank you Julie," Lain smiled towards the younger looking woman holding Kaila's hand tight and leading them towards her personal elevator in the back.

Finally making it, Lain let out a sigh of relief. 'So much for not being stressed out' Lain thought to herself as the soft elevator music played.
Let me know what you think. Thanks Lexx signing off

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