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© 2024 Jaé Fambro. All Rights Reserved

Chapter One: Pilot pt. One *edited*


Bluedale, California. 1984, March 3rd

That memory, I remember it all too well. That night, that storm, the slippery road, the crash. It is still fresh in my head. Of course, because I had nightmares about it almost every night since then, of me surviving the car accident and my sister Liv dead.

Well, my older step sister but we were so close I left the "step" out completely. Except for Renee. She is half-white because her mom married my dad after my mom died 3 years earlier. They had my bitch of a half-sister Renee before I was born because my dad had an affair with my step monster, then me, and then my cute little half-sister Marie. I had a full sister that is older than me but only god knows where she is. Of course, I'm the middle child kinda besides Renee which makes her bitter. Liv is the older being fully white from her parents.

Liv used to always intervene when Renee and I fought. She used to take my side most of the time and other times when she disagreed with me, she'd be so kindly blunt about it. I couldn't handle her funeral, for many reasons. The main one was that we didn't have a body in the casket. So it was closed. They couldn't find her body in the accident. I couldn't understand because I saw her lifeless body from the driver's side of the car. The bottom half of her body was on the inside of the car and the top outside from the broken windshield. I on the other hand was on the ground from flying out of the car through the windshield in a ditch, soon after I passed out. I know, I should have been dead too but somehow I turned out lucky with cuts, bruises, mild internal bleeding, and some broken ribs with a concussion. The cause of that accident still fuckin haunts me. I never liked to talk about it.

I lay on my couch as the TV was playing music from the side of me. I was dozing off until I felt a pillow hit my face. I remove the pillow from my head to see my best friend Steph standing above me with her arms crossed. I put the pillow back on my face trying to ignore her.

"It's her birthday isn't it" Steph asked, breaking the silence.

"Yes," I muffled through the pillow.

Steph takes the pillow away from my face. "I'm pretty sure Liv wouldn't want you sulking into the couch for her birthday"

" I would say we could go out-"

"It is Saturday everybody's off but I don't know if I want to go out," I responded.

"Well, you're gonna! You're not going to just sulk in the house. it's 7 pm" Steph said as she sat on the couch.

"Come on. It's been almost three years since her death Kimmie, you need to start celebrating the life she had when she was alive and not her death. Plus you were scaring me with always going out anyway and not coming back until 2 am seemingly high or drunk" Steph says as she plays with my top ear piercing.

"Well, I do come home fine and alive," I explained.

"That's not the point." Steph fusses.

"It worries me"

"I'm fine," I said.

"You're not. You have been distant lately and started hanging out with those weirdoes from Knightsville" Steph huffed.

I sat up on the couch quickly when Steph said that.

"They are not weirdos, they are just different." I started.

"They're from Knightsville Kim. They are weird. Almost everyone there is weird." Steph interrupted.

"Maybe you're too normal. They are awesome if you give them a chance" I finished properly.

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