Cuddling With Aiden Includes...

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A/N: my first imagine with Aiden. Aiden Peters is from Stuck In The Middle, he's Harley's love interest and Ellie's cousin.

Word Count: 128 words 

Warnings: Fluff! Fluff and fluff!


Cuddling with Aiden includes:

* him always playing with your hair

* him holding you tight in his arms, protecting you from anything he can

* him kissing the top of your head

* massages

*you watch fun movies together

* he always makes sure never to hurt you when he holds you

* You playing with the hairs at the back of his neck

* holding hands

*you falling asleep in his arms

*him making sure your comfortable

*bringing you a blanket

*not moving so you can fall asleep

*him singing you lullabies even though he can't sing.


A/N: Wow, this was really short. Sorry for that! I'll post a longer one tomorrow!

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