chapter 7 ~ prom and unshed tears part two

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Is it so cliche that when i accepted that a slow song came on?

Well one did, dancing around the floor he is a surprisingly good dancer.

"um.... Samantha"

"yes ashton" i sighed.

"why is your Kyle giving me dirty looks"

"i don't know"

"ain't he your boyfriend?"

"nope, i caught him cheating so i dumped him" To be honest i don't even know why I'm telling him this.



"so your single"

"yup" i wonder why he is asking.

 " Samantha would you like to go on a date with me on Saturday?"

Pushing him away i stare at him with my mouth wide open.

"umm. what?"

"uhhh i asked you out on a date, and your answer will be...."

"no" i say while walking away grabbing Ava by her arm and dragging her to the toilets.

"what Samantha?"

"uh.. Ashton asked me out on a date..."

"o m g, really?" i nod " this is wow, what did you say?"




"oh wow, ok"

"what, stop giving me that look"

"i'm giving you that look because you should of said YES!!"

"why?" giving her a puzzled look she gives me a sigh

"because...." her thinking face is a fixed to her face, lips parted, eyebrows scrunched and eyes closed. 


"because", she says giving me this look that i don't know what it is, I'm kinda scared of what she is talking about. "we should mess with him,"

"what?" is she crazy?

"we make him fall in love with you, it wont be that hard, baring in mind that he asked you out on a date."




"oh ok." she say giving me the look of disbelief "so will you do it?"


what are the advantages of this situation? well i could have him wrapped around my finger, make Kyle jealous and make him want me back, even though he wont get me, i'lll be popular. 

But what if i fall for him, or i get hate and bullied for this, what if the date was a joke or a dare? now I'm feeling really self-conscious. Great.... not.

"so Samantha, will you do it?"

"umm... yh?"

"yes or no Sam?"

"ugh, yes"

"YAY!!!!" she sequels, which makes me happy that we're the only ones in the toilets. 

"now go out there at get that boy wrapped around your finger"

she grabs my arm and links it, strutting out the door and down the corridor towards the main part of the hall, i feel nervous have butterflies flying around my tummy. I can do this.


after finally being able to get her to dance with me and have a mild conversation i just get it over and done with and her ask her.

 " Samantha would you like to go on a date with me on Saturday?"

she pushed me away and looked at me with her mouth wide agape.

"umm. what?"

"uhhh i asked you out on a date, and your answer will be...."

"no" she says walking off and grabbing her best Friends arm while stalking away.  i wanted, hoped that would of went better but i guess not...

"fuck" i say slipping my hands through my hair,  why i am so stupid.  

 Luke  walks up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder, "did you?"

"yh" i replied with my head down

"oh, i guessing her answer was a-"

"-no" i cut him short

"right" he responds, having a thinking face on. "well do remember that her ex cheated on her tonight."

"oh, she actually told m,e that but i didn't think asking her through, did i?"

"to be honest not really"

"thanks bro"

"your welcome" he smiles which makes me fell that i am Ashton, i have girls who would be lucky to be aked on a date by me, or thats what im making my mind think.

"umm Ashton"

"what Luke?"

"Samantha is coming this way"


"she is-" he gets cut off from the angelic voice off Samantha.

"hello boys, can i talk to Ashton, alone please" she says giving Luke a look to show his presents isn't needed. 

"Ashton, i would like to apologies for my response earlier, it was immature of me"

she say with a shadow of a smirk on her face, all i do is give her a blank stare and silence.

"and i have come to a decision, i would like to say yes, pick me up tomorrow at 8. see you then" she says with a wink and struts off. 

all i can think is why did she change her mind and what am i gonna do at this date?


here we go, sorry i haven't uploaded since forever but a lot has been going on so I'm sorry, this is my early Christmas present to you, I'm so excited i cant wait! - skulljadexx

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