2 chapter

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6 months later

So I graduated 6months ago and as i said I'm going to find the murder
Unfortunately I didn't find any information

Oh and BTW I'm working as a criminals police now
Me and my working partner Josh got very close

And i gave him a chance
He is the first person I've trusted since 10 and a half year, except my dad

He's so sweet and careful
I told him everything and he's my best and only friend now

And guess what!!

He's going to be a dad !
to have a little family and I'm so happy for him and proud
He really deserves it

So...back to the murder thing
We did researchs and watched every security camera video in LA for theire death day

But nothing
Like the murder doesn't exist

"Lajla, Josh, are u available?"my boss said trough a speaker
"Yes whats the emergency?"I asked my boss trough my speaker
"An old Lady heard a shot from next door
The adress is hundsonstreet 3 could u pls..~"

.."we are on our way" I interrupted my boss

At the house in hundsonstreet

Josh parked the car in the driveway and
We ran to the door

I knocked
"What do u think happened?"
"Nothing good"he responded with a worried look

after 5 seconds
He crashed the door with his body

We ran in the house

And we saw a naked girl with bruises all over and with a knife in her throat

I took a deep breath
But then something fell from upstairs

"There's somebody in the house" said Josh

"Im scared Josh"
"It's going to be fine nothing will happen
We will walk trough the houses door with a smile after this, ok?"
"Yes your right, so..Let's find this Ass"i said with anger as i ran upstairs

There were 2 doors i took the left and Josh the right one I looked after that bitch in all rooms
Except one room... the bathroom

Josh came trough the door and said that he didn't find anyone

"Are u ok?" He asked me

"Yes I am" my voice cracked

"I'll go in the bathroom, u go downstairs"

"thank u joshi"

With that I went down and saw the poor woman on the floor
I got flashbacks but I tried not to think about it...

I heard a gun shot from upstairs

I ran to the bathroom
And saw Josh's lifeless body on the floor

I ran to him to feel his pulse but then the door shut and there stand a tall man with tattoos, hazel eyes, pink plump lips and brown hair

We looked each other in the eyes and then everything went black...

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