I woke up to the smell of alcohol and cigarettes, nick was passed out next to me, I slowly lifted the covers off me and tiptoed out the room.
I grabbed some clothes out of the closet and threw them on, making sure the sleeves were long enough to cover the bruises on my wrist.
I made my way downstairs and the first thing I saw was beer bottles scattered along the living room, the ash tray full to the brim with dimps of cigarettes. I sighed, walked outside, got into my car and made my way to school.
As soon as I walk through the door Lilly and sophie greeted me with big hugs, I was confused at first but then I hugged them back.
"Where have you been girl, it's like I haven't seen you in years" Lilly said enthusiastically.
"I've been at home." I replied bluntly.
"I've not been that well"
Truth is, i was scared to leave the house with all the bruises I had on my body, including my face.
"Well we're glad your back now, we missed you babe" sophie said while smiling.
"I missed you both" I said while smiling back.
"Come on let's get to class before we're late"
The bell rang.
I walked through the doors and sat down in my seat.
"Your late miss smith." The teacher said looking at me with his arms crossed.
"I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again." I said apologetically.
I looked down at my desk and got on with the work I was told to do.
Suddenly the door opened. I looked up to see Jaxon Jones stood at the front.
"Your very late Mr Jones, take a seat next to Jessica, and that's detention after school" the teacher said sternly.
"Same with you miss smith"
I just rolled my eyes and got on with my work.
Jaxon sat down next to me, he stared at me for a few seconds but then he picked up his pen and started doing his work.
"I don't think I've seen you around before, are you new" he said to me.
I looked at him confused.
"I've been in your class for the past 3 years" I replied.
"Maybe you should stop paying attention to who your going to have sex with and more to your classmates" I said, rolling my eyes.
"Ouch, didn't know you thought so low of me" he replied, he looked upset at first but then he just started laughing. I left it and just got on with what I was meant to be doing, before I got a longer detention. Nick won't like this..
The bell rang.
Everyone got up and walked out of the class, I followed them making sure, I was at the back everyone.
Nothing really happened in the next few lessons that I had, but now I've got detention so I might as well make my way to it before I'm late for that too.
I walked through the doors and sat down at the back of the class. Jaxon walked in not long after I did. He sat down next to me. I looked at him and rolled my eyes.
"Carry on doing that and your eyes will get stuck." He said.
I rolled them again.
"You know your the first girl that isn't obsessed with me, most girls wouldn't even dream of rolling their eyes at me, but you, you don't even care" he said confused.
"Ah well, guess I'm just one of a kind" I said.
"That your are" he replied. He was staring again.
Get this detention over with.
Not long after, the teacher let us go.
I walked to the car park and got into my car. It was dark out. I hope nick isn't in when I get back.
I drove home and just sat there, taking a deep breathe, I got out the car and walked to the door.

My saviour (discontinued)
Storie d'amoreAbused by her boyfriend and terrified to seek help. Will she be saved? Will she find her saviour?