Part 9

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Betty's pov:

"Betty, Come on, Just pick something out" Fp says for the hundredth time. "I don't need anything". "Baby, Pick something, I'll eat it" Jug says as he kisses my temple. "Fine, That chocolate bar" I point. We were in the supermarket and the whole time Fp and Jug were moaning about me not picking any food that I wanted out. "Dad, We got it" Jellybean says as she places some rice in the cart. "What's next?" Veronica asks. "Uhhh, Milk". 

"Why don't we stop off at Pops for lunch" Fp says as he pulls into the carpark. "Archie, Cheryl and Toni are going to be jealous as fuck" Jug chuckles. We all went inside and sat down at the back booth. "What are you gonna get, Baby" Jug whispers in my ear. I shrug and look down. "Betty, You are getting something" Jug says as he places the menu in my hands. I sigh and look for something that was cheap. Pop went around and took everyone's order first, Then mine. "Um, Just a vanilla milkshake please". "Betty, Food" Fp says. "I'm not hungry" I lie. "Baby, You might not remember this, But I can tell when someone is lying, You're lying" Jug says. "Some fries then" I shrug. "She will have a burger with fries, onion rings and a vanilla milkshake" Jug smiles as he passes back the menus. "Jug, I can't eat all of that" I snap. "I'll eat it for you" He grins. I sigh with a slight smile. "Thank you, Fp" I say softly. He smiles and nods. "You don't need to thank me". 

Once we got back to the house, I helped unpack all of the groceries and then went up to Jug's room. He was downstairs playing video games with Archie, So that left me to have some alone time. I laid down on the bed with my diary in my left hand and a pen in my right, I began writing about everything. This was the first time I have had the strength to write about what had happened. I placed my earbuds in and played some music, All my songs are what everyone calls 'un cool'. I have a lot of soft and romance songs, No rap ones like mostly everyone else. "Hey, B". I pull out one earbud and look at Veronica who was leaning on the door frame. "Hey, V, Everything alright?". "I should be asking you that" She chuckles as she moves from the door to the end of the bed. "I'm good, Just enjoying my alone time" I giggle. "I understand" She nods with a small laugh. "Look, I haven't really been able to talk to you about Jug and I, I know it might be a little bit aw-". "I'm fine with it, Betty, Honestly it's fine, If he hurts you I will have his head though" She giggles. "Thank you" I smile as I hug her. "Anyway, I'm going out with a few friends, Do you want to join?" She asks. "I'm alright" I say softly. She nods and stands up. "See you later" She smiles.  "Have fun" I smile back. 


Jug's pov:

Arch and I had been playing video games for a good hour and a half now. "After this round, I'm going to go and check on Betty". "She's a big girl, Jug, She doesn't need you checking on her every minuet" He chuckles. "It has been an hour thank you very much and she has been through a lot, So I'm sorry if I worry about her" I snap at him. "Calm down, Bro". I slam the controller down and walk away from the situation, Dad would kill me if I punch Archie again. As I walk upstairs I heard a soft voice coming from my room. I quietly open my bedroom door to see Betty on my bed singing softly. Her voice was incredible. I knew exactly what song she was singing 'Demons' by imagine dragons, But the cover by 'Boyce avenue and Jennel Garcia'. (Song linked above, I recommend you listen to it, It is amazing) "When your dreams all fail, And the ones we hail, Are the worst of all, And the blood's run stale" She sings. I have never sung in front of anyone, But for some reason... I join in. "I want to hide the truth, I want to shelter you, But with the beast inside, There's nowhere we can hide" I sing. She stops and looks at me as I grab my guitar from my closet. I know the cords, It is one of my favourite songs. She pulls her ear phones out and places them to the side. She grins widely as I sit next to her and start playing the cords. "No matter what we breed, We still are made of greed, This is my kingdom come, This is my kingdom come" I sing the first line and she starts joining in. "When you feel my heat, Look into my eyes, It's where my demons hide, It's where my demons hide" I sing. "Don't get too close, It's dark inside, It's where my demons hide, It's where my demons hide" She sings and moves a little closer. We continue singing together, It was really intimate. Once we finished, We both hear clapping. "Fuck" Betty mumbles as we look up to see, My dad and Archie standing there. "Don't tell anyone" I snap and I place my guitar in the closet. "Jughead, I'm the one that is meant to sing" Archie says, Still in shock. "Betty, Jug, You are incredible" My dad says. Betty looks down as she blushes. "He's right, You are incredible, Betty" I say as I raise her chin up. She smiles and pecks my lips. "You are pretty incredible too, Juggie" She giggles. "Both of you are" Archie chuckles. "What did you come in here for?" I ask. "I heard you singing" Archie shrugs. "And your mom made dinner" Dad says. I sigh while Betty stands up. "Just please don't tell anyone" I say as I pull Betty out of the bedroom. "I never sing in front of anyone" I sigh. "Me either" Betty smiles slightly. "Baby, You are an amazing singer" I say as I place my hands on her waist. "So are you" She grins. I gently place my lips onto hers as she places her arms around my neck. "Lovebirds, Dinner" Cheryl says as she yanks Betty away. We both chuckle and go into the dining room. 

(9:10 pm)

"I'm so tired" Betty says as she grabs a shirt from my drawer. I smile and kiss her forehead. Once we both got dressed, We climbed under the covers. "How do you want to sleep?" She asks softly. I smirk and pull her on top of me.  "Juggie" She giggles. I kiss her forehead and then she slips off me, But stays cuddled into my side. "Night, Cutie" I murmur as I kiss the top of her head. "Night, Juggie". 

Word count: 1177

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