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Double update! Read Chapter 2 if you haven't yet.

"I'm home!"

"Hi home! I'm Jisoo!"

I rolled my eyes as I entered the living room, "You sure you're name isn't idiot?" I teased as I placed my jacket on our coat rack. I looked over only to see Jisoo playing video games on the floor and Jennie watching in amusement from the couch. Jennie looked over at me and smiled.

"Hey," I greeted. Casual, have to keep it casual. Even though my heart is about to rocket shoot out of my chest and hold her dearly, gotta stay casual. Jennie shyly waves, "Hi," and oh my God my heart.

So cute damn it!

I forced myself to look away —or else I'll turn as red as an apple— and headed towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

"I'm starving, do we have any food?" I asked as I entered the kitchen.

"I bought ramen!" Jisoo yelled out from the living room.

"Did you cook it?" I asked. I chuckled as I heard a faint scoff,

"The only reason I bought it was so you can cook it!"

"So demanding.."

"I heard that!"

"You were meant to!"



I looked over my shoulder and grinned seeing Jennie entering the kitchen. She sent a small smile my way as she walked towards the fridge to grab a bottle of beer. I turned back around,

"Jisoo still stuck on the same level?" I asked as I placed the ramen noodles in the boiling water. Jennie chuckled from behind and closed the fridge before making her way to me. She hopped onto the counter beside the stove and watched me cook,

"Yeah, 30 minutes before you got here actually," she chuckled out. I hummed in response without looking at her. I'm afraid if I do, I'd melt with the way she was cutely kicking her legs back and forth.

"Are you staying the night?" I asked with my eyes casted down to the noodles that were slowly softening by the hot water. Jennie shook her head from the corner of my eye,

"No, I have a friend picking me up later," she said. I once again hummed as a response while stirring the ramen slowly. It was quiet for a moment until I felt her turn her face to look at me. I started fidgeting in discomfort as her eyes were burning the side of my face.

"What are you staring at Miss Jennie?" I teased. She chuckled and shook her head,

"You just really look like someone I've met before," she said. I felt my stance waver for a moment. But I quickly shook it off and calmed my nerves down,


"Yeah, you look like this one girl that went to the same school as me," she said and I swore her eyes were growing intense. I forced myself to meet her eyes and furrowed my eyebrows,

"Really?" I asked. She nodded,

"Yeah, it's kind of weird. You have the same hair and face structure in a way, but not the same if that even makes sense," she laughed out. I shrugged with a playful grin,

"Makes total sense. I look like her but don't look like her. I completely understand," I teased. She playfully nudged my side before shifting her eyes back to the bottle in her hands. I smiled and looked down seeing a small smile on her pretty lips. Her smile is contagious.

"I never got her name but all I remember was that she was this cute, quiet shy girl in my school," she causally said while taking a sip of her drink.

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