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"You sure this is where she works?"

"I'm pretty sure I know where my cousin works."

I rolled my eyes, "You're sarcasm is not needed and very unnecessary," I muttered out as I entered the fashion building. I had to smile, Jennie always loved fashion. Jisoo just laughed,

"Where's my thank you Chu?" I scoffed and immediately hung up. I then received a text from her:

Chu: rude.. 🖕🏼

I smiled as I read her text before replying,

Me: Thank you chu 💓

Me: Thank you chu 💓
Read 1:37 PM

I chuckled before placing my phone back into my pocket and walking towards the reception desk. I walked up and read the woman's name tag, 'Joy' before clearing my throat to grab her attention. She slowly looked up from her magazine with a bored expression,

"Uh hi, do you know where I can find Jennie Kim?" I asked while nervously gripping onto a single rose in one hand and a to go box in the other. It had a chocolate muffin inside. This Joy person sighed and silently pointed at the door towards the back.

"Okay? Thank you?" I said. She just nodded and looked back down at her magazine. I awkwardly turned away and went towards the door. I slowly opened it and poked my head in only to see Jennie styling a model who was getting ready for a photoshoot.

I cleared my throat and took in a deep breath before walking behind her. I tapped her shoulder,

"Excuse me I'm looking for a Jennie Kim?" I playfully asked. She turned around with a confused look but immediately smiled to the point her cute feline eyes squinted and her gums were showing when she saw me. My favorite smile.

"Have you seen her? She's this beautiful short girl—," she cut me off with an eye roll,

"I am not short," she pointed out while playfully punching my arm. I feigned a look of pain and held my arm,

"She's also violent," I teased. She chuckled then looked down at my hand. Her smile seemed to widen and her eyes lit up even more. I looked away with a shy smile while handing her the rose and the box,

"I thought you might want to have a muffin since you haven't gotten one for a week now," I said. I then felt my breath hitched as I felt a soft touch of her skin on my chin. She turned my face to look at her and I couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you, you don't know how long I've been craving for this," she laughed out. I smiled and nodded before handing her the rose. My heart melted as a blush coated her cheeks once more when she took it from my hand.

"And what's this for?" She asked. I shrugged and took a step forward, wanting to be closer to her. I leaned my face closer to hers till my forehead was nearly touching her own. Her eyes had widened but she remained still.

"Because it reminded me of you. It's absolutely beautiful," I said while backing away. Her blush had increased and it made me feel even more giddy than before

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