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It's been two weeks since I last saw Jennie. She was busy settling in her new apartment with her friend she came back with from New Zealand. Apparently her friend is part Australian and Korean. I haven't met her yet but I trust Jisoos judgement.

"She has a beautiful soul!"

"How do you know? You didn't even talk to her.."

"Trust me damn it!"

Correction, I trust Jennie's judgement. If Jennie says she's nice then she is nice.

I've been pretty busy as well. With school, work and being upgraded to teach dance class, I didn't really have a lot of spare time. Fortunately, this was my last week of finals so I'll be on a break for 2 months but I still have to work in the Café and at the studio.

I don't mind though, keeps me busy and distracted.

But Mino hasn't stopped pestering me about asking if Jennie was single or not which made my fingers tingle with need to wrap them around his neck.

It was a constant reminder that Mino is a guy and Jennie is straight.

I have no chance.

Speak of the devil.

"Couldn't stay away?" I teased. Jennie smiled and playfully rolled her eyes as she walked up to the counter across from me.

"What can I say? Those chocolate muffins are addicting," she said. I laughed lightly and nodded my head,

"How have you been? Settled in yet?" I asked. "Yeah it's been pretty stressful but we finally got the last piece of furniture in," she said. I nodded before typing in her order,

"So two chocolate muffins and a cup of coffee like last time?" I asked. She excitedly nodded before turning around to a petite blonde girl who I barely just noticed.

"Do you want anything?" She asked. I looked over to her friend and stifled a laugh seeing as she was staring at the list of pastries with admiration. Jennie sighed and snapped her fingers in front of the blonde,

"Earth to Rosé." Rosé immediately shook her head and widened her eyes. She looked over at both of us and smiled sheepishly. Huh, chipmunk cheeks.

Wait a second.

Tall, blonde and cheeks like a chipmunk.

"Are you her roommate?" I asked Rosé. She smiled kindly and nodded,

"Yes I am and you're Lisa right?" She asked to which I responded with a grin and a nod,

"That's me, it's nice to meet you," I said while reaching over and extending my hand out. Rosé's smile widened,

"Cute and polite. I like her already Jen," she nonchalantly said after she accepted my hand shake. Jennie narrowed her eyes and pinched her side causing her to whine in pain.

"Shut it," Jennie hissed out. I laughed lightly and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion,

"Thank you?"

Jennie smiled apologetically towards me, "Sorry about that, we'll just take two more chocolate muffins and ice coffee please."

"Make it three," Rosé added. Jennie sighed but nodded causing me to smile at the duo in amusement.

"Okay so 5 muffins, one hot coffee and one iced coffee. Will that be all?" I asked.

"Hey Lis, I think we ran out of— oh! Hey Jennie!" Mino greeted excitedly. Jennie looked over and smiled,

"Hey Mino, how are you?" She asked with the same enthusiasm as him. I held in a growl as he stood next to me and smiled brightly at her.

"I'll be paying," Rosé said. I ripped my eyes off of Jennie and Mino who were having a conversation, which had a lot of laughing and smiling in it, and forced a smile towards Rosé who was smiling but with unreadable eyes this time.

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