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The car ride was pretty silent but it was tolerable.

I don't know how many times I've held in my breath whenever Jennie would play with my fingers or lean her head on my shoulder. It made my heart race the whole damn ride.

I walked her towards the door but kept my eyes down on the floor. I couldn't look at her. For some reason I just felt ashamed for even thinking she liked me but the way she acted in the car was also making me confused. We both stood in front of each other in silence.

It's like I was waiting for her to just finally tell me to leave her alone. I was ready for it. But, what I wasn't ready for was her unlocking the door and asking me to come in.

"It's late Jennie. I think you should just get some rest," I smiled lightly, "I'd say see you tomorrow but I don't think that'll happen," I tried to joke but the joke didn't seem to amuse her. She frowned and shook her head,

"Come inside, I'll get my med kit and clean up your hand and eye," she stated before turning around and leaving me. I sighed but complied. How can I say no to those glaring feline eyes. I walked into her kitchen and sat myself down on one of her chairs.

And after a few excruciating minutes Jennie came back in only a sweater and leggings. Her hair was in a high pony tail and she looked absolutely perfect. I looked back down trying to ease my heart.

She placed my blazer on the table before placing her finger on my chin and lifting my face. I gulped nervously as our eyes met. She had a look of regret. Jennie gently and carefully lifted her hand and ghosted her fingers over the bruised skin around my eye with the saddest look I've ever seen.

"Why'd you have to do that?" She asked in a whisper. Tears were threatening to fall from her eyes and it made my chest ache,

"I didn't want you to get hurt," I responded. I couldn't look away from her, she was like magnet.

"And yet you did. You got hurt not only by the guy but by me as well right? I hurt you," she stated while placing her hand gently on my cheek. I sighed and tried to look away from her but she didn't let me.

"I'm sorry I keep being weird I just—," she paused and frowned seeing a small cut on my eyebrow. She stood closer in front of me and was practically standing between my legs since I was still seated on the chair.

"You're bleeding," she whispered. I unconsciously lifted both of my hands and rested them on her waist. I smiled slightly,

"I'll live," I said. She tried to smile but she could only stare at me with full of regret and worry. She tried to back away,

"Let's get that cleaned up. Here let me—," I cut her off by gripping her waist a little tighter, keeping her still. She gasped and looked down at me with blushing cheeks.

It's now or never.

I have to ask.

"Can I court you Jen?" I asked her. Her eyes widened and the blush in her cheeks had suddenly increased. She tried to open her mouth to speak but no words came out. I sighed and smiled sadly,

"It's okay. I just thought I should shoot my shot because I thought you liked me an—." Jennie then cut me off by seating herself on my lap making my eyes widen to the point I felt like it would pop out of my head. She smiled shyly,

"I do like you," she admitted.

I think my heart just combusted.

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