Trail of Cookie Crumbs

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Deku's POV:

When I arrived at Kacchan's. His bedroom window was wide open. So I jumped up to the windowseal and saw that he wasn't home. The covers on his bed were all in the floor. Upon a closer look. I saw the signicher trate of the Carolers. A trail of cookie crumbs that leads outside.

"I hope Kacchan hasn't been caught."

I muttered to myself as I remembered what the police told me.


The Carolers are a group of four. Each has a unique quirk. The leader has a quirk to manifest holiday items and even use nearby items at will. That's how come he got Endever's quirk canceled with nearby snow. Normally he'd be able to melt it, but the snow was modified to never melt. We've also learn that they're only targeting heroes who've been known to act grumpy or not festive towards others. The other three we aren't sure what their quirks are so be careful.


After hearing that I rushed over knowing that Kacchan could be a target of Theirs. The only way I'll find him is to follow the crumbs. I used my quirk to jump high up in order to look down the streets. Once I found him. I saw only one shadow beside him. He was wrapped up like a present.


I used shoot style to land a kick on the villain, but to no avail. I went straight through him. Then I felt so cold. When I reached down to grab Kacchan so we could get away. An invisible wall stopped me. That's when I saw that I was trapped in a snow globe.

"I had a feeling you would come here Deku the hero. It's too late for your so called friend here. His trial is almost over."

When I went to power up my quirk. The snow inside of the sphere was freezing around me and creeping up my body.

"You're n-not g-gonna get aw-way with th-th-this."

"It's almost time."

The shadow like figure touches Kacchan's head and starts to go inside of him.


Once the villain was inside. Kacchan went from stiff to limp like he was lifeless. I fell to my knees as teardrops fell in the snow.

A Kacchan Christmas CarolWhere stories live. Discover now