Teaming Up (2024)

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We made it up to my apartment, finding the door was unlocked. I slowly opened it, my hand on my gun, Jeff noticing the change in my demeanor, his knife at the ready.

Yes, against my own will, a serial killer and a cop were teaming up to catch a home intruder.

I heard a light meow, looking down to see the apartment buildings mouser cat, purring and rubbing against Jeff.

He looked up at me, an unsure look in his eyes. Was he seriously scared to pet a strange cat? The man murders people near daily, for Christ's sake. However, despite my own thoughts and discretions, my voice was just as soft as the cats meow as I spoke.

"She's nice, don't worry." I whispered, nodding to her.

Hearing my reassurance, he bent down, petting her with gentle hands. Seeing this, I damn near found it hard to believe he was capable of so much destruction and fear. He almost looked like a kid as his fingers brushed through her long white fur, a stark contrast to his own shaggy, jet black hair.

I continued into the apartment, which was a complete mess, broken glass and scattered papers littered the floor, making me internally groan as I thought about all the cleaning and refiling I'd have to do later. I prayed none of the important documents I had were lost or damaged, that was the last thing I needed right now. Other than being gutted, of course.

I heard rustling from inside my bedroom, making me turn around and signal for Jeff, although I didn't feel any safer with him creeping behind me. He had been taking in the sight of the mess, his head snapping to me the second I motioned for him. Creepy. I found it a bit embarrassing, him seeing my apartment in this state, even if I didn't care what his opinion of me was. At all.

He glanced up at me and shooed the cat away, which had trailed behind us when we walked in. His grip tightened on his knife and walking quietly over to me. His footsteps were silent, eerily so, considering my own had been made louder by the papers and glass under our shoes.

No wonder hardly anyone we interviewed ever saw him.

I stood behind the door, hand on the door handle, as Jeff peeked into the room.

An agitated look spread onto his face immediately.

"It's your ex." He muttered, glancing back down at me with pure disgust gracing his features. I sucked in an annoyed breath and rolled my eyes, pointing my gun into the room before kicking the door open the rest of the way.

"Hands up where I can see them!" I yelled in a commanding voice, Jacob's figure hunched over in front of my dresser, digging through my clothes. He jumped and spun around, putting his hands up, eyes wide.

"Oh, it's just you, baby! You scared me! Don't ever do that again!" He chuckled, relaxing and letting his arms fall back to his side. His smile pissed me off immediately.

"Don't call me baby you cunt." I spat, keeping my gun aimed at his head. I wasn't a crooked cop, at least I didn't think I was, but he seriously tempted me. My finger was practically itching to pull the trigger.

"Don't act like that, bitch. You need me, and you know it. Now put the fucking gun down and get over here." He threatened me. Seriously? I nearly scoffed, my head tilting to the side as I furrowed my brows in pure disbelief.

"Or what? You'll hit me? I've got a fucking gun aimed at your head, Jacob, don't act so tough. I don't need you, at all." I said, my finger taking the gun off safety. Oh, how badly I wanted to see him bleed. I shook the thought from my head, swallowing.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jeff, watching us both, or more specifically, he was watching me. It nearly sent a shiver down my spine, his eyes fixed on me like I was his prey trapped in a corner. Hungry.

Lovely - Jeff the Killer x Reader (🚧)Where stories live. Discover now