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I told Jeff that I didn't want to watch the man be killed or mangled, even after I'd seen his computer.

He told me I didn't have to, but that eventually there'd be a day when I would have to watch.

Although I didn't quite understand, I was thankful that today wasn't the day.

I went back upstairs while Jeff took care of the killing and mangling.

I didn't hear any screaming, or really any sounds other than an occasional chuckle from Jeff.

"(N/N), you can come back down now." Jeff called.

I made my way down the stairs, grabbing the pictures I had printed.

I could smell blood, but it wasn't necessarily bad.

It was a smell that I could get used to, and maybe even come to enjoy after time.

I'd smelled blood and death before, but I usually had a mask on, so it was faint, and not really noticeable.

The body, on the other hand...

His face was bashed in so bad that you wouldn't recognize him, and his chest cavity was mush from all the stab wounds.

Bones were sticking out, and his fingers had been cut down to the bone.

I gagged, feeling vomit rising in the back of my throat.

Jeff took some of the pictures out of my hands, leaving blood where his fingers brushed against mine.

Jeff's previously white hoodie was now red, soaked in blood.

His sleeves were rolled up, but the blood still made its way onto them.

Jeff didn't say a word as he began putting the pictures around the man.

I noticed that in blood, Jeff had written "Karma" on the wall.

He usually wrote his catchphrase "Go to sleep" on the wall, but I guess this time was different.

You could still tell it was Jeff's work, even if both his trademark smile and catchphrase were absent.

Jeff's handwriting was messy, and angry, which made it identifiable.

Although I know exactly what happened tonight, I'd have to play dumb when they make me come and investigate this case.

My detective brain was telling me to turn Jeff in, but the other part of me was yelling at me to protect him, and keep him from getting caught.

Once I regained control over my gag reflex, I avoided looking at the body while I laid the remaining pictures out.

Since there were so many, the pictures spread across the entire room.

"Alright, lets go. It'll be light in a few minutes." Jeff said, glancing around the room.

"Wait, Jeff. You can't walk around all bloody like that." I grabbed his sleeve, stopping him from walking away.

"Well... I guess you're right." He mumbled.

"Take a shower, I'll find you some clothes. This guy looks about your size." I avoided glancing at the body, catching my eyes wandering.

Jeff hesitated, his eyes scanning my face.

"Fine." He sighed.

We both went up the stairs, going into the bedroom.

I found the mans closet, while Jeff went into the bathroom, which was connected to the bedroom.

I sorted through all the shirts and jackets, finding a dark green hoodie.

I heard the shower turn on, ensuring that I was alone in the room.

I sat down on the bed, sighing before laying back.

I folded my arms under my head for support and stared at the ceiling.

This is all so crazy.

I just witnessed a murder, and I was an accomplice.

I'm a corrupt cop.

I never thought I'd see the day.

Heh, it's kind of funny though.

The man I'd been trying to throw in prison for 5 years is in the room right next to me, and here I am finding something for him to wear so he doesn't get caught.

This was such a stupid idea.

Letting him stay at my house, making casual conversation with him.


I mean honestly, what the fuck have I been thinking?!

This man has killed so many people that the city population dropped faster than it goes up.

Maybe I shouldn't be getting so close.

I mean, look at the girls he's killed before.

They all have similarities.

And I match some of those characteristics.

What if this is all a game for him?

A ruse, so he can finally get rid of the meddling detective.

It's not out of character for psychopaths to think that way.

The bathroom door swung open.

Jeff has his black jeans back on, along with his shoes.

His hair was still dripping wet, but he had tied it back into a ponytail.

I hadn't heard the shower turn off, but apparently he was done.

I quickly stood up and handed him the sweatshirt, a nervous smile on my face.

Jeff looked me up and down with a suspicious glare.

"The hell are you so nervous for? Something happen?" He questioned.

"What? No, of course not!" I said quickly.

"Don't you dare lie to me, (Y/N)." He muttered, taking a step closer.

I could smell the soap he had used, but there was still a faint trace of blood.

"I'm not lying, promise." I smiled and held my pinky out, signaling a pinky promise.

He glanced at my hand, then focused his attention back on me.

I gulped as he took another step, his chest just inches from my own.

He leaned down to my ear and chuckled quietly.

"Y'know, that nervous look is pretty cute. But it also means you thought about something, and now you don't trust me." He whispered.

I shivered as I could feel his breath on my neck.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Why don't you trust me yet, (N/N)?" He questioned.

"Because you kill people, Jeff." I clarified.

"But I wouldn't ever dream of hurting you." He whispered.

I sighed a bit.

Jeff's arms went around my neck, pulling me to him.

He tangled one of his hands in my hair, his heart beat speeding up.

I could hear the thumping against his chest, which brought me a weird sense of comfort.

My arms hesitantly wrapped around his torso, returning the gesture.

"(Y/N), you're lovely."

Lovely - Jeff the Killer x Reader (🚧)Where stories live. Discover now