Hold My Hand

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"Spider? What the fuck kind of insult is that?" He laughed, giving me a weird look.

"Listen, don't fucking question me." I tried to be serious, but ended up laughing a bit.

"Glad to see you smiling again, detective." He chuckled.

I smiled brightly at him and jumped a bit when I felt a hand grasp mine.

Didn't know we were that close but alrighty.



I didn't listen to my brain and continued to hold his hand.

It felt nice... the heat of his hand against my palm.

I awkwardly held his hand, walking with him through the halls of my apartment complex.

We managed to get out of the building without the front desk attendant noticing us.

We made it about a block before anything crazy happened.

Yeah, someone tried to mug us.

The area surrounding my apartment building is pretty rough, so there aren't many people walking around, and cars usually avoid driving around here.

So it's not like there was anyone really around to stop him.

"Give me your fucking money or I'll cut you both up so bad they'll have to use dental records to identify you." A scruffy old man came out of the alleyway and threatened us with a switchblade.

He definitely practiced that line in his head before mugging us.

He held it close to my stomach, jabbing it to where it grazed my shirt.

Jeff pulled his knife out, holding it in front of me.

"I suggest you back the fuck away before I show you what an unidentifiable body really looks like." Jeff spoke in a low, threatening voice.

It even scared me a bit, but I knew he was only trying to protect us.

"S-shit, man! I'm sorry! Don't hurt me!" The old man dropped his blade as Jeff backed him against the brick building next to us.

The look in Jeff's eyes told me he wasn't nearly finished with the man, but I didn't want any unnecessary violence, incase the cops were called.

I put my hand on Jeff's arm, making him glance at me.

"C'mon, lets go on with the rest of our day. He isn't worth the trouble." I spoke in a soft voice, remembering the psychology class I took in college.

They told us that psychotic people have a tendency to act out when spoken to in a stern manner while they're having an unstable moment, so you should speak to them in a soft tone, to show that you don't mean them any harm.

"Yeah, whatever." He spat, pushing himself away from the man.

"You ever come near her with a fucking knife again and I'll cut your heart out and eat it. Got that, you fucking pig?" He leaned back into the mans ear, whispering.

Jeff kinda sucks at whispering, so I could hear everything he was saying.

It made me blush a bit, knowing he got all riled up just because the man had a knife near me, and was threatening me.

"S-sorry, man, I didn't mean to threaten your girl." The man said, backing away from Jeff.

"Scram. You fucking stink." Jeff spat at the man.

He began walking away, well, more like running.

I noticed that Jeff didn't correct him when he said "your girl".

Jeff's grip on my hand returned, making me jump again.

"Why the hell are you so jumpy?" He asked.

"Why are you so touchy?" I questioned.

"Well if you don't want me to-" I cut him off.

"No, it's fine." I mumbled, feeling him give my hand a squeeze.

We continued walking, but I noticed Jeff seemed more alert and tense.

"Jeff? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah." He responded curtly.

After a few more minutes, I could see the lit up sign of the store.

I sighed in relief and walked a bit faster, pulling Jeff with me.

"Slow the hell down." He muttered.

We made it through the doors of the store, making me glance around.

"What are we here for again?" He asked.

"I honestly don't remember either. You just kind of pulled me out of the door and said "let's go"." I shrugged.

"Well do you have a grocery list?" He questioned.

"On my phone. I should anyways." I said quietly, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

Jeff watched carefully over my shoulder, examining my every move.

I clicked my notes and opened my list for the store.


"What the hell kind of a list is that?" Jeff laughed.

"I made this list when I was drunk." I muttered, embarrassed.

I shut my phone off and grabbed a basket, heading down a random isle.

Jeff followed behind me, his shoulder brushing against mine as he walked by me.

I sighed as I looked at the shelves.

"There's the peas. Don't know what I wanted them for but drunk (Y/N) is wise." I whispered to myself, putting 2 cans into my basket.

We walked through a few more isles, grabbing random things that we thought looked good.

I found that Jeff loves sour things.

Sour candies, sour drinks, lemons, anything really.

We grabbed the wine and tequila then went to check out.

The cashier, a younger teenage boy scanned our items then looked up at me, a red blush spreading across his face.

"T-that'll be 86.50." He stuttered, looking away.

I swiped my card and signed the small box.

"Here, Jeff, take these ones." I handed Jeff a few bags then took the remaining ones.

"Sure babe." Jeff said loudly, eyeing the cashier.

The boy looked a bit defeated but seemed to find confidence.

"Have a good night ma'am. Come back any time." He winked.

I felt Jeff take a step closer, his free hand finding its way into my back pocket.

I gulped a bit and waved, feeling Jeff's hand grip my ass as we walked.

As soon as we walked out of the doors, I grabbed Jeff's wrist and pulled his hand out of my pocket.

"What the fuck, dude?!" I yelled.

"He looked at you weird." Jeff said casually.

"That doesn't mean you can grab my ass!" I screamed angrily.

"Calm down, I'm sorry. It won't happen again. Promise." He held his hand up, surrendering.

"God, I can't stand you sometimes."

Lovely - Jeff the Killer x Reader (🚧)Where stories live. Discover now