(A/N: So im gonna write two diff AUs, Rantaro and Kirumi have all the rest of the DRV3 cast as their children, or where everyone has separate parents. I wanna see which one y'all would prefer and continue from there. First, lets start with Kirumi and Rantaro having 14 children lmao-)
"DADDY!!" a girlish voice yelled. "KOKICHI'S PLAYING WITH MY STUFF AGAIN!"
"NO I'M NOT!" Kokichi yelled back. "I JUST WAS LOOKING AT IT WITH MY EYES! And besides, DAD'S NOT HOME, YOU DUMMY." As those words came out, Kokichi realized. Dad w a s n ' t home, only meaning-
"What is with all this fighting in here?" a cheery voice blasted through the door. "Atua doesn't approve-"
"Look, all Atua needs to tell us is how sensitive this dumbass is when it comes to people touching her shitty inventions with their EYES." Kokichi argued.
"D-Dumbass?!" Miu questioned with tears. "...L-Look! If Kaito wasn't sleeping right now, he would've beat your ass by now!"
"Please, please stop!" Angie yelled. "Atua does not approve of this arguing with profanity!" She rushed to the two and separated them by her arms.
"What's going on in here?!" another voice bursted.
"O-oh Maki! Miu is being mean to -" Kokichi was paused.
"Shut it. Miu wants you out of her room, so get out." Maki demanded.
"I don't have to listen to you. You're WAY younger than me-" Kokichi giggled.
"Just get out. I'm telling you nicely."
"Where's Kaito for fuck's sake?!" Miu asked, getting annoyed.
"He's sleeping, so I might as well babysit while Mom and Dad isn't home." Maki responded. Maki then grabbed Kokichi's arm, dragging him out the room. The little boy whined out of the room, Angie following the two siblings.
"Phew..." Miu sighed in relief. She grabbed her invention, and walked to her doorknob outside the door. She placed a little lock on the door, clicking it to lock. "Now that little rat can't enter."
A/N: So like idk where to continue from here, sooo lets go to a diff scene. But this will contribute later-
Shuichi, Kaede, and Kaito were all hanging out in the living room, watching a movie on the sofa. Kaito was still asleep, the remote under him."Is this some kind of kids' show?" Kaede asked.
"Well, I think so." Shuichi replied.
"The atmosphere gives me the creepy vibes-AAAH!!" the pianist screamed as a scary clown popped up on the screen. She grabbed onto Shuichi, and buried her face in his chest. "T-turn it off!!"
"O-okay! But you gotta let go of me first..."
"But I'm scared!!" Shuichi sighed then started to call Kaito.
"Kaito, can I have the remote?" he asked.
"zzzZZZZZZZZZzzzZZ.." Kaito snored loudly.
"Oh you gotta be kidding me-"
"AAAAAAAAHAHAAAAHH!" Kaede cried. "THE CLOWN IS EATING THAT KID'S ArMmmM!!" She continued clutching onto Shuichi's torso, hiding her face.
"Wait what-AAH!" Shuichi yelled. At this point, Kaede was crying her eyes out, never seeing such a gruesome sight.
"What's all the screaming for-AAAAAAHH!" Miu screamed when she walked into the living room.
"Kaito!! Wake up!" Shuichi told as he shook Kaito's arm.
"ZZZZZZZZZzzzzZZzz..." Kaito continued.
"What's going on-oh?" Tsugumi asked, confused on what's going.
"I dunno, I heard Kaede scream and this is what I come to-oh." Miu explained, then paused by Kaede's sudden grab on her waist
"I-I'm sc-scared..." Kaede cried.
"Er..uh..it's, um, okay. That nasty clown isn't real." Miu comforted.
Shuichi continued to try and get the remote from under Kaito, and succeeded. He finally turned off the TV, and sighed in relief.
"Why is Kaito's lazy ass still snoring?!" Miu asked. "Kaeidot's scream can wake up anybody!"
"Hey, that's not true!" Kaede huffed, crossing her arms.
(...eR. uh. i don't know how to continue off of here, but i'll just post it for the fun of it. i'm sorry :'). i might do a new chapter, because this chapter kinda just left me stumped 👀)
Danganronpa V3 Family AU
FanfictionBasically where the drv3 cast is a whole family lets-ee go