2. Mom...?

644 13 22

3rd POV

All the countries were blinded by a random light from an unknown source. Then a female's smooth booming voice came from said light that slowly disappeared.

"Countries of the world! Many are hurt but one has the weight of the world on their shoulders. He's been extremely hurt."

The north American twins both stuttered


Everyone was surprised at a certain American's quietness of his voice it was very unexpected from him.

"Shh it's ok they'll learn, you've been pus-"

"Wait! Mom no! P-please not now! Not to t-them please!" Yet again all the countries were surprised by America's stuttering, he never seemed scared he was always annoyingly optimistic and happy- he had never stuttered the whole time the other countries knew him, not even his atmosphere reading buddy had heard him stutter.

Another voice, a strong Russian accent flowing with it began

"My old friend, please calm down it's going to be fine you just need hel-"

"I-I'm fine though, I'm not bro-"
This time America was the one cut off

"Because you need help doesn't mean you're broken"

Native America (I'm going to call her NA ok? Ok) hands a book to Germany and of course Germany quickly accepts it holding it with care.

NA starts again "You will be staying here there is limitless time but limited space, some will have to share rooms we have that organized already, there is also unlimited food"

After that sentence a country sneers and quietly comments "more food for the fatty" a death glare was sent in their direction by NA.

"Goodbye" both Soviet and Native said in sync with that they disappeared.

Germany opened the book and looked around then began


289 words
2 chapters in one day-
I need sleep so bye-
-hell signing out

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